

单词 amygdaloid
释义 amygdaloid, a. and n.|əˈmɪgdəlɔɪd|
[f. Gr. ἀµυγδάλη almond + -oid. Cf. mod.Fr. amydaloïde.]
A. adj. Almond-shaped; having almond-shaped nodules.
1836Todd Cycl. Anat. & Phys. I. 583/1 The amygdaloid lobe.1852T. Ross Humboldt's Trav. II. xvii. 79 The clay which separates these amygdaloid concretions.1858Beveridge Hist. Ind. I. Introd. 7 Basaltic trap..globular, tabular, porphyritic, and amygdaloid.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 323 Sea Buckthorn..embryo amygdaloid.
B. n. Geol. An igneous rock, usually trappean, containing almond-shaped nodules or geodes of some mineral, as agate, chalcedony, or calc spar.
1791Beddoes in Phil. Trans. LXXXI. 69 The crystals often occurring in the cavities of the amygdaloides rocks.1802Playfair Illust. Hutton. The. 67 The common basalt..and the amygdaloid, are comprehended under the name of whin.1833Lyell Princ. Geol. III. 361 Converting porous lava into amygdaloids.1847Tennyson Princess iii. 343 Chattering stony names Of shale and hornblende, rag and trap and tuff, Amygdaloid and trachyte.1876Page Advd. Text-bk. Geol. v. 105 Amygdaloids, having their vesicular cavities filled with agate, carnelian, etc.

Add:[A.] 2. Anat. Of or pertaining to an amygdala (see *amygdala n.).
1836Todd Cycl. Anat. & Phys. I. 583/1 The amygdaloid lobe [in the cerebellum.]1877C. Heath Pract. Anat. (ed. 4) 511 (Index), Amygdaloid lobe of cerebellum.1959Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. CXIII. 245 We have called the rostral portion of the amygdaloid complex the anterior amygdaloid area.1967Bull. Acad. Polonaise de Sci. XV. 304 Fibres of this tract terminate also in the anterior amygdaloid area.1993Pharmacol., Biochem. & Behavior XLV. 445 Indeloxazine..dose-dependently..shortened the evoked amygdaloid afterdischargeIbid. 449/1 Indeloxazine showed a biphasic action on amygdaloid kindling in rats..
3. Special collocations: amygdaloid complex Anat., the amygdaloid nuclei and associated transitional areas of the cerebrum.
1915Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. XXV. 416 It is evident..that what is here described as the medial large-celled nucleus belongs to the amygdaloid complex.1980Gray's Anat. (ed. 36) 996/1 The corticomedial amygdaloid complex consists of the central, medial, and cortical amygdaloid nuclei, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory stria, and a transitional poorly differentiated amygdaloid area.1992D. G. Amaral et al. in J. P. Aggleton Amygdala i. 1 The amygdaloid complex..is a prominent component of the medial temporal lobe in primates, including man.
amygdaloid nucleus Anat., the amygdala (*amygdala n. 3); any of the nuclei that together make up the amygdala.
1889Cent. Dict. s.v. Amygdaloid, Amygdaloid nucleus.1893H. Morris Treat. Human Anat. V. 740 The amygdaloid nucleus is a thickening of the grey cortex of the apex of the temporal lobe.1964J. Z. Young Model of Brain ii. 15 The amygdaloid (nutlike) nucleus among the basal ganglia of the forebrain is concerned with smell.1990Brain CXIII. 11 (caption) Nissl-stained transverse section..showing the location of tritiated amino acids injected into the medial parts of the basolateral amygdaloid nuclei and the deep layers of the entorhinal cortex.




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