

单词 i-see
释义 i-ˈsee, v. Obs.
Forms: see see v.
[OE. ᵹeséon, f. ᵹe-, i-1 + séon to see; = Goth. gasaihwan, OHG. gasehan, MHG. gesehen.]
trans. To see, behold.
Beowulf (Z.) 221 Ða liðende land ᵹesawon.a1000Cædmon's Gen. 666 (Gr.) Ic mæᵹ heonon ᵹeseon hwær he sylf siteð.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xiii. 17 Maneᵹa..rihtwise ᵹewilnudon þa þing to ᵹe-seonne [Lindisf. ᵹesea] þe ᵹe ᵹeseoþ and hiᵹ ne ᵹe-sawon [Hatt. G. ᵹe-seaᵹen].Ibid. Mark viii. 24 Ic ᵹe-seo [Lindisf. ᵹeseom, Rushw. ᵹisiom] men swylce treow gangende.c1175Lamb. Hom. 123 Alswa deð mahȝe fisce þe isið þet es, and ne isihȝ na þene hoc þe sticað on þan ese.a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 197 Ful wel þu me iseie þauh þu stille were.c1305St. Dunstan 86 in E.E. Poems (1862) 36 He ne miȝte iseo nomore.c1315Shoreham 107 Thys may ech man ysy.c1320Cast. Love 1247 Me may..I-syn that he is God by his dede.1340Ayenb. 81 Uayrhede þet þe eȝe of þe bodye yzyȝþ.Ibid. 185 Yziȝ and þench huo yefþ þane red.c1369Chaucer Dethe Blaunche 205 Ye shul me neuer on lyve y-se.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 345 [Plato] miȝt nouȝt i-see Ieremyas.a1400S.E. Leg. (MS. Bodl. 779) in Archiv Stud. neu. Spr. LXXXII. 314/91 So þou I-syxt I-wis.




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