

单词 I'se
释义 Ise, I'se
a. Dial. or archaic abbreviation of I shall; also = I's, I is, dial. for I am.
1796Ned Evans I. 136 I'se warrant you've been at Mr. Muckworm's.1814Scott Wav. xxx, I'se warrant him nane of your whingeing King George folk.Ibid. xlii, Troth I'se ensure him, an he'll bide us.1828Craven Dial., Ise, I am or I will.c1863T. Taylor in M. R. Booth Eng. Plays of 19th Cent. (1969) ii. 91 Waiter. Beg pardon sir, it's for No. 1. Brierly. I'se No. 1.
b. spec. in the United States. Also I's.
Freq. in Black English writings.
1852W. L. G. Smith Life at South iii. 51 I'se tinking wha' jolly time we will hab on Saturday arternoon, down under ole elm trees, on bank ob de riber.1875S. & C. Lanier in Scribner's Monthly June 240 I'se pow'ful skeered; but neversomeless I ain't gwine run away.Ibid., I's like a word dat somebody done said, and den forgotten.1898P. L. Dunbar Folks from Dixie 32 No, suh, I's a Babtist myse'f.Ibid. 49 I's mighty fond o' fishin', myse'f.1902J. D. Corrothers Black Cat Club: Negro Humor & Folklore i. 14 I'se a genamum, mase'f.Ibid. iii. 43, I writes a good han' and I's done read de dictionary.Ibid. iv. 56 De kine o' dahkey I'se talkin' 'bout am de feller whut's done bumped his head up ag'inst some college 'tel he cain't talk nothin' but Greek an' Latin, an' cuss you in Trinogometry.1922T. W. Talley Negro Folk Rhymes 135 I'se a bird o' one fedder, w'en it comes to you.1927A. P. Randolph in A. Dundes Mother Wit (1973) 201/2 Wait a minute, son. I's wid you.Ibid., Suppose des white folks find out I'se jined dis Brotherhood?Ibid., Suppose des white folks ask me whether I'se a member?1940J. Street in Sat. Even. Post 6 Jan. 32/2 I knows Ise out⁓figger'd. I knows Ise whupped.1967C. Himes Black on Black (1973) 133 ‘I'se tired as you are,’ she said evilly.Ibid. 136 Ise already free.




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