

单词 irrefragable
释义 irrefragable, a.|ɪˈrɛfrəgəb(ə)l|
In 6 erron. -ible.
[ad. late L. irrefragābil-is (Pseudo-August.), f. ir- (ir-2) + refragārī to oppose, contest: see -able. So F. irréfragable (15–16th c. in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. That cannot be refuted or disproved; incontrovertible, incontestable, indisputable, irrefutable, undeniable. (Said of a statement, argument, etc., or of the person who advances it.) Irrefragable Doctor: see doctor n. 3.
1533More Debell. Salem Wks. 1031/1 What is hys owne irrefragable reson yt he layeth against al thys?1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 65 A truth confessed, certeine, firme and irrefragable.1605Camden Rem. 10 Alexander of Hales, the irrefragable Doctor.1748Hartley Observ. Man i. iv. 423 Irrefragable Evidences of the Truth of the Facts.1795Southey Joan of Arc iii. 287 Doctors: teachers grave and with great names, Seraphic, Subtile, or Irrefragable, By their admiring scholars dignified.1846Ruskin Mod. Paint. II. iii. i. v. §9. 41, I look to them [early Italian masters] as in all points of principle..the most irrefragable authorities.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xxi. 555 These are an irrefragable answer to the popular theories.
2. That cannot or must not be broken; indestructible; inviolable; irresistible. Now rare.
1562Latimer's Serm., 2nd Sunday Advent 135 They shal bee condemned with the irrefragible [ed. 1552 irreuocable] and vnchangeable iudgemente of god.c1640New Serm. of newest fashion (1877) 20 The orall Pack-needle of zeale, and stubborn irrefragable thred of ignorance.1711Shaftesbury Charac. (1737) II. ii. ii. i. 111 Intire Affection..is irrefragable, solid, and durable.1847Medwin Life Shelley II. 28 A vain attempt to snap the chain only renders it more irrefragable.1848Buckley Homer's Iliad 229 Round their feet he threw golden fetters, irrefragable, indissoluble.
3. Of persons: Obstinate, inflexible, stubborn.
1601Dent Pathw. Heaven 332 For men are so obstinate and irrefragable, that they will be brought into no order.1621Burton Anat. Mel. Democr. to Rdr. 38 He is irrefragable in his humour.Ibid. iii. ii. vi. v. (1651) 575 Many yong men are..as irrefragable and peevish on the other side, Narcissus like.
Hence iˈrrefragableness = irrefragability.
1682H. More Annot. Glanvill's Lux O. 256 The plainness and irrefragableness of this truth.




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