

单词 internalize
释义 internalize, v.|ɪnˈtɜːnəlaɪz|
[f. internal + -ize.]
a. trans. To make internal; to give an inward or subjective character to. spec. in Psychol., to transfer to a subjectively formed image (the emotions connected with some object) (see also introject v.); to adopt or incorporate as one's own (the values, etc., of a social group).
1884Chicago Advance 14 Feb., Many of us..internalize it [religion] too much.1942Internat. Jrnl. Psycho-Anal. XXIII. 15/1 The atonement for guilt is here carried out by internalizing the attacked external object.1950Bettelheim & Sylvester in P. Greenacre et al. Psychoanal. Study Child V. 330 While their own actions are motivated by ‘what will get by’..they demand that he himself be guided by ‘what is right’... The child who tries to internalize these discrepant demands is confronted by a seemingly insoluble conflict.1958M. Argyle Relig. Behaviour v. 42 The suggestion that Protestants internalize the super-ego to a greater extent.1960Koestler Lotus & Robot ii. viii. 203 The chances are that his aggressive impulses..will be internalized and deflected against himself.1968J. M. Ziman Public Knowl. v. 77 He must internalize the scientific attitude so that he cannot even conceive of, say,..recording the epoch of an eclipse by reference to the age of the reigning monarch.1971Black Scholar June 7/1 Some [black women] even internalize white society's low regard for black men.
b. Linguistics. To acquire knowledge of (a set of rules in a given language): used esp. of the language-learning procedures of a child.
1965[implied in quots. for internalized ppl. a.].1968Chomsky & Halle Sound Pattern Eng. 3 The person who has acquired knowledge of a language has internalized a system of rules.1971D. Crystal Ling. iii. 104 We have mastered (‘internalized’ is a word often used here) a technique for breaking each new sentence up.
c. Econ. To incorporate (costs) as part of the internal cost structure, esp. ‘social’ costs, resulting from the use or manufacture of a particular product.
1971Sci. Amer. Aug. 44/3 The first is the alteration of the ground rules and incentives under which the market operates by such devices as taxes, subsidies, and judicial actions to internalize (i.e., make explicit) social costs.Ibid. Sept. 194/2 A consideration of means whereby the legal system can internalize costs that power companies have been allowed to treat as external and therefore to exclude from their cost-benefit calculations.




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