

单词 instore
释义 inˈstore, v. Obs.
Also 5–7 instaur(e. See also enstore.
[ad. L. instaurāre to renew, repair, erect, establish, make; OF. instaurer (14–15th c. in Godef.). Instaur preserved the L. form; instore may have followed an OF. or AF. *instorer; cf. astore, OF. estaurer, estorer, and restore, OF. restorer, from 14th c. restaurer.]
1. trans. To restore, repair, renew.
α1382Wyclif Ezek. xxxvi. 10 Ruynouse thingis shuln be instorid [gloss or maad aȝein].1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) IV. 139 Iohn Hircan destroyede Samaria, whom Herode instorede [Higden instaurans, Trevisa bulde] after and callede hit Sebasten.Ibid. V. 95 This Aurelius instorede [Higden restauravit, Trevisa restored] the cite of Rome in iiij yere.1563Winȝet Four Scoir Thre Quest. Wks. 1888 I. 106 Sin is nocht forgeuin..except it quhilk is tane away be instorit.
β1607Marston What you Will i. i, All things that show or breath Are now instaur'd, saving my wretched brest.
2. To erect, establish, institute, commence. to instore a battle, to array a battle, give battle, make war.
α1382Wyclif Rom. xiii. 9 If ther be ony othir maundement, it is instorid in this word, Thou schalt loue thi neiȝbore as thi silf.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 229 Darius instorede a batelle [Higden bellum indixit, Trevisa ordeynede werre and bataille] ageyne Anticirus.Ibid. IV. 193 Pompeius..instorede [H. instauravit, T. arrayed] a batelle ageyne Iulius.
β1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 233 This Xerses..instaurede a batelle [Higden bellum instaurat, Trevisa werred] ageyne the londe of Grece.Ibid. VIII. 59 He instaurede [Higden instauravit] a place of the ordre Cartusiense at Wytham, nye to Salisbey.Ibid. 432.
3. To furnish, provide, supply; to store with (of).
α1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VI. 219 Petronax Brixanus..wente to the mownte Cassyne, and instorede [Higden instauravit] that place competentely with goodes and monkes.c1440Promp. Parv. 262/1 Instoron (wythe nede⁓fulle thyngys), instauro.1502W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione i. xxiii. 173 Instore thy selfe of ryches immortall that shall contynue after thy deth.a1520Barclay Jugurth (Pynson, ed. 2) 71 b, For this castell was..plentuously instored with men.a1633Munday View Sundry Examples 79 Of mony and riches sufficiently instored.
β1432–50tr. Higden Harl. Contn. (Rolls) VIII. 470 The seide duke..wente to his castelle of Powntefret, whom he instaurede with armes and vitells.a1656Ussher Ann. (1658) 594 Archelaus..Chief priest of Luna, a goddesse of the Comaus in Pontus, instaured with a princely Dynasty.




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