

单词 instep
释义 I. instep1|ˈɪnstɛp|
Also 6 insteppe, 7 -stup, -stoppe, -stip.
[app. f. in-1 + step; but the application has not been accounted for. The forms in Cotgr. and Minsheu appear to be corruptions.]
1. a. The upper surface of the human foot between the toes and the ankle.
1530Palsgr. 234/2 Insteppe of the fote, col du pie.1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1546) H ij, On the hyer syde of the insteppe.Ibid. (1553) I j a, The veyne.. called saphena..lieth outwarde beetwene the insteppe and the hele.1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Garganta del pie, the instep.1611Cotgr., Le montant du pied, th' instup.1617Minsheu, The Instoppe of the foote, coudepied.1624Massinger Parl. Love iv. v, Is not this a pretty foot, And a clean instep?1777Sheridan Trip Scarb. i. ii, They hurt me just below the instep.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt vi, Her own pretty instep, clad in a silk stocking.1880Ouida Moths I. 10 She always gave her miniature feet and arched insteps their natural play.
b. Phrase. high in the instep, haughty, proud. Now dial.
1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 164 He is hie in thynstep, his steps may be hie, But to stepe in good steps he stepth nothyng nie.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Hautain, loftie, high in the insteppe.1617Moryson Itin. ii. 26 Now the Gentleman was growne higher in the instep, as appeared by the insolent conditions he required.1639Fuller Holy War ii. viii. (1647) 53 He was too high in the instep to wear another mans shoes.1828Craven Dial. s.v., ‘She is rather high in her instep’, she is proud and haughty.
2. a. That part of the hind-leg of a horse which extends from the hock to the pastern-joint. b. The corresponding part in the leg of a bird. c. In insects: see quot. 1826.
c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Guide i. vi. (1738) 98 The Instep-bone..is made up of three Bones.1751Chambers Cycl. Supp., Instep, in the manege, is that part of a hinder leg of a horse, that corresponds to the shank in the fore-leg.1783Lightfoot in Phil. Trans. LXXV. 11 The instep [of Motacilla] is covered with seven large imbricated scales.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. xxxiii. III. 385 Planta (the Instep). The first joint of the Tarsus is so called when it is remarkably long and broad. It includes the Calx.
3. a. That part of a shoe, stocking, etc., fitting or covering the instep. Hence instep-gusset, instep-hole, instep-needle.
c1615Songs Costume (Percy Soc.) 112 On the feet pinked shooes, Insteps had roses red.1623tr. Favine's Theat. Hon. iii. iv. 360 To weare it on the instup of their Shoes.1711Steele Spect. No. 48 ⁋4, I am mounted in high-heeled Shoes with a glased Wax-leather Instep.1853Kingsley Hypatia vii. 86 An embroidered shoe, with a large gold cross on the instep.1880Plain Hints Needlework 48 Cast on 31 stitches, knit a heel, turn it, pick up instep, cast on false instep, and knit the instep gusset and cast off.
b. The arched part of a boot or shoe between the heel and the sole.
1826Kaleidoscope VI. 223/2 A boot-jack of this description..has an equal purchase on the instep and heel.1913E. C. Bentley Trent's Last Case v. 106 On each [shoe], in the angle between the heel and the instep, he detected a faint trace of red gravel.1927‘E. Bramah’ Max Carrados Mysteries 160 He slyly inserted a nail in the angle of the instep.
4. A part of a hill, a tree trunk, or the like, resembling the human instep in shape or position.
1681Cotton Wond. Peake (ed. 4) 24 At th' instep of just such another Hill, There creeps a Spring that makes a little Rill.1859Thoreau Early Spring in Mass. 17 Mar. (1881) 163, I know it to be a striped squirrel, and soon see its long unseen striped sides flirting about the instep of an oak.1862B. Taylor Home & Abroad Ser. ii. II. iii. 69 Crossing the insteps of hills, and then into an apparently boundless plain.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xix. vii. V. 580 Instep or glacis of the Pirna rock-country.
II. ˈinstep2 Obs. rare.
[f. the phrase to step in: see in adv. 11 d.]
The act of stepping in, the first step, the commencement.
1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribæ ii. 380 At the first instep into this Chapter.1624Gagg i. 5 Thus in the very in-steppe of his pamphlet, he belyeth the Protestant for his opinion.a1641Acts & Mon. (1642) 57 Cardinall Baronius..in the very instep into his Apparatus..was much mistaken in Justin Martyr.




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