

单词 regent
释义 I. regent, n.|ˈriːdʒənt|
[Subst. use of next.]
1. a. That which rules, governs, or has supremacy; a ruling power or principle. Now rare.
c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 3827 Whan resoun is regent Of man, þan regneþ no delicacie.1526Skelton Magnyf. 38 Lyberte may somtyme be to large, But yf reason be regent and ruler of your barge.1601Dolman La Primaud. Fr. Acad. (1618) III. 771 The moone..beeing as the regient of the seas and waters.1667Milton P.L. vii. 371 First in his East the glorious Lamp was seen, Regent of Day.1762–9Falconer Shipwr. i. 554 Thou moon, fair regent of the night!1781Cowper Retirement 724 Flowers by that name promiscuously we call, But one, the rose, the regent of them all.1805Foster Ess. iv. v. II. 197 If Christianity ought really..to be the supreme regent of all moral feelings.
b. One who rules or governs; a ruler, governor, director. Now rare or Obs.
1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccl. 169 The duchesse hauyng full power of hir lord as Regent and lady of his londes.1533Bellenden Livy iii. iii. (S.T.S.) I. 252 Valerius publicola on þe thrid day eftir þat he was made regent, was chosin consul.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xvi. (Arb.) 188 Elizabeth regent of the great Brittaine Ile, Honour of all regents and of Queenes.1649Milton Eikon. xviii. Wks. 1851 III. 471 As farr as Reason, Honour, Conscience, and the Queen who was his Regent in all these, would give him leave.1670G. H. Hist. Cardinals i. iii. 84 This Penetentiary has a Prelat under him, that is call'd the Regent of the Penitentiary office.1725Pope Odyss. ii. 42 Assist him, Jove! thou regent of the skies!1847Longfellow Ev. i. ii. 37 Regent of flocks was he when the shepherd slept.
2. a. One who is invested with royal authority by, or on behalf of, another; esp. one appointed to administer a kingdom during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the sovereign.
1425Rolls of Parlt. IV. 277/1 [That power be given to] my Lord ye Regent of France..to receyve and take ye said debate into ye Kyngs hand.c1477Caxton Jason 5 b, I..constytute the[e] Regent and gouernour of my royaume.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 101 The Lady Mary..came into Flaunders, whom the Emperour made Regent of all the base countreis.1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, i. i. 66 Cosin of Yorke, We heere discharge your Grace from being Regent I'th parts of France.1610Willet Daniel 211 Alexanders 4. captaines were at the first regents under Alexander.a1648Ld. Herbert Hen. VIII (1649) 193 When Madame Louise the Regent had declared [etc.].1759Robertson Hist. Scot. vi. Wks. 1813 I. 440 A king, they told him, had often reason to fear, seldom to love, a regent.1811Edin. Rev. XVIII. 76 It has been said, that the name and office of Regent are unknown to our Law and Constitution.1878Stubbs Const. Hist. xviii. III. 89 He accepted Henry as his son-in-law, regent and heir of France.
b. The name formerly given to the municipal authorities of some continental cities, and to the native chiefs in Java. Obs.
1724Lond. Gaz. No. 6291/1 A Vessel which the Regents of Berne have caused to be built.1795Thunberg Travels (ed. 2) II. 309 The Regent in the island of Madura is stiled..a free prince or regent.1817Raffles Hist. Java ii. I. 79 Governors of provinces, called by the Dutch Regents,..are ranked among the chief nobility of the country.
3. In the Universities:
a. At Oxford and Cambridge, a Master of Arts ruling or presiding over disputations in the Schools, a duty originally discharged for one, and afterwards for five, years after graduation; hence, in later use, a Master of not more than five years standing. Now only Hist.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VIII. 213 Thabbot and chanons of Oseney with regentes of the universite.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 330 The regentis and masters of that vnyuersytie, were lastly compellyd..to aske of hym forgyuenes.1504Will of Archer (Somerset Ho.), To euery Regente et non Regente being at my burying vjd & jd.1574M. Stokys in Peacock Stat. Cambr. (1841) App. A. p. xi, The Father..shall dispute with the old Bachilour, and after hym two Regents.1604Tooker Fabrique of Church 120 Congregations of the Masters or convocation of Regents, and not Regents, is a needlesse thing.1681Lond. Gaz. No. 1656/2 When their Majesties were come into the Schools, they found the Regent-walk crouded on both sides with Regents, non-Regents, and Batchelors of Divinity.1797Cambr. Univ. Calendar 147 The Senate is divided into two bodies or houses, 1st. Those who have not been A.M. five years, and are called Regents.1841Peacock Stat. Cambr. 15 note, The house of regents was composed of those masters or doctors who were actually regent, or engaged in teaching or reading lectures in the university, without reference to standing.1895Rashdall Univ. Mid. Ages App. xxxiii. II. 791 Probably by an oversight on the part of the framers of the Act of 1854, the ancient Congregation of Regents [at Oxford] was left in existence for certain purposes.
b. In the Scottish universities, one of several instructors forming part of the teaching staff of a college, who undertook the tuition of a certain number of students from the time of their entrance to the end of the course. Now only Hist.
[1414Acta Facult. Artium (St. Andrews) 25 Mar., Quod determinantes admitterentur per decanum Facultatis et regentes qui habeant considerare eorum sufficientiam.]1522Jas. V Let. in Rep. Univ. Comm., St. Andrews (1837) 180 The Universite of Sanctandrois, the rector, doctouris, regentes,..makand residence therin.1563–7Buchanan Reform. St. Andros Wks. (S.T.S.) 8 The regent sal writ thayme in hys rol, and assigne thayme place in hys classe diuidit in decuriis.1641Sc. Acts Chas. I (1870) V. 581/2 Þe principall professoures regentes and remanent maisteres and memberes of the samen colledge.1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. ii. iii. x. (1710) 469 In Philosophy there are Four Regents or Professors; they teach Philosophy and Greek. Every Regent has his Class, which Classes are divided according to the Years that the Students have been entred in the University.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 3 Sept., The students are..taught in public schools or classes, each science by its particular professor or regent.1867Masson Edinb. Sk. 40 The four general or circulating professors were the essential complement of the Arts Faculty. They were called ‘regents’, by way of distinction.
c. In France, the title usually given to those who taught the more elementary classes; an instructor in arts or science. (See quot. 1727–38.)
1611Cotgr., Regent,..a Regent, Reader, Teacher, Moderator of a forme in a Colledge.1653Urquhart Rabelais ii. v. 29 It was told him by one of his Teachers (there called Regents,) that the paine of the eyes was the most hurtful thing of any to the sight.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v., Regent is generally restrained to the lower classes, as regent of rhetoric, regent of logic, &c., those of philosophy are rather called professors.1863Draper Intell. Devel. Europe xviii. (1864) II. 126 In Montpellier, he was for long one of the regents of the faculty of medicine.1875M. Pattison Casaubon 89 The regents in medicine and law had a salary secured by patent.
d. U.S. (a) A member of the governing board of a State University (and of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington). (b) At Harvard, an officer having supervision of the students' conduct.
(a)1813Niles' Reg. V. 79/2 The regents of the university, expressly endeavored to effect this important object.a1817T. Dwight Trav. New Eng., etc. (1821) II. 485 This seminary..is under the superintendence of a Board, styled the Regents of the University of Columbia.1843–56Bouvier Law Dict. (ed. 6) s.v., In New York..the board who have the superintendence of all the colleges, academies and schools, are called the regents of the University of the state of New York.1877(title) A Memorial to the Regents of the University of the State of Iowa.1969Morning Star 13 Oct. 5/3 The Director of Afro-American Studies declares her sacking raises grave doubts about the Regents' desire to encourage black participation.1976New Yorker 26 Apr. 32/2 One of the Smithsonian's regents..is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.1977Detroit Free Press 11 Dec. 11-d/1 Regents for Oklahoma State University Friday honoured Terry Miller by retiring his No. 43 football jersey and approving a commendation to be awarded at the next regents meeting.
(b)1888A. P. Peabody Harvard Reminisc. 199 The students who were not present at evening prayers were obliged..to register their names with the regent.
4. The head master of a school. Obs.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 20 Except one be able to giue the regent or prouost of the house a peece of mony..he comes not there, I warrant him.a1652Brome New Acad. iv. ii, By your leave, Sir, Are you the Regent of this Academy?1718Addison Chr. Relig. v. viii, Origen was appointed Regent of the Catachetic school in Alexandria.1796H. Hunter tr. St.-Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) I. 391 Those infamous punishments, which produce a disgraceful effect, at once, on the morals of both scholars and regents.
5. A variety of potato.
1846[see early n. a].1868M. Jewry Warne's Model Cookery & Housekeeping Bk. 14 Potatoes.—We think the best are..the regents for winter use.1892I. Zangwill Childr. Ghetto II. 6 ‘Kidneys or regents, my child?’..said Guedalyah the greengrocer.1927T. P. McIntosh Potato ii. 20 Not much appears to be known about Regent, which was a later introduction [sc. after 1836].
6. A chairman of a branch of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
1890Constitution & Bye-Laws, Daughters Amer. Revolution 4 When twelve or more members of the Society shall be living in one locality they may organize a Chapter. They may elect a presiding officer whose title will be Regent.1928Harper's Mag. Oct. 529/2 The Daughters upheld Mrs Brousseau and the contention of the Massachusetts State Regent.1946Nat. Historical Mag. Mar. 144/2 Please read over the foregoing statement again, Madam Regent.1974Marlboro Herald-Advocate (Bennettsville, S. Carolina) 18 Apr. 4/2 Mrs. Walter Hughes, local regent, also attended the Congress.
7. attrib.
a. regent bird or oriole, an Australian bird, Sericulus melinus, named in compliment to the Prince Regent, afterwards George IV; regent honeyeater, a bird, Zanthomiza phrygia, of the family Meliphagidæ, having black plumage with yellow bars and spots and found in the eucalyptus forests of south-east Australia.
1825Field Geog. N.S. Wales App. 503 Regent bird or Kinghoney-sucker, Sericulus chrysocephalus.1847Leichhardt Jrnl. v. 161 Mr. Gilbert observed the female of the Regent-bird.1913G. M. Mathews List Birds Austral. 270 Zanthomiza phrygia phrygia. Regent Honey-eater.1967A. Rutgers Birds Austral. 262 Regent Honey-eaters make a lot of noise and have a loud laughing call.1840Cuvier's Anim. Kingd. 189 The Regent Oriole of authors (Sericulus regens, Lesson), the plumage of which is fine silky black.
b. Regent (congregation or) house, the upper of the two houses into which the Senate of Cambridge University was formerly divided; Regent walk, the former name of certain walks or alleys in Christ's and Queens' Colleges and at the Schools, Cambridge.
1895Rashdall Univ. Mid. Ages xii. II. 365 note, Even in the Fifteenth Century Register..we find that in a *Regent Congregation the graces are ‘pronounced’..by a Proctor.
1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 18, I have not yit bene so courst and galled in our own House as I am like hereafter to be pincht and nipt in the *Regent Hous.1641Milton Reform. ii. Wks. 1851 III. 67 They come furnish't with no more experience then they learnt..at the Colledge audit, or the regent house.1681Lond. Gaz. No. 1656/3 Then their Majesties went up to the Regent-House, and by their particular Command, Mr. Montague..was Admitted, and Created Doctor of Divinity.
1635Quarles Embl. ii. iv. 77 To follow Natures too affected Fashion, Or travell in the *Regent walk of Passion.1681[see 3 a above].1719in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 213 At dinner and supper in Summer they met upon y⊇ Regent Walk, and there waited till they knew what Seniors would come down.1886Ibid. II. 54 The gate-house and the central alley [at Queens' College], called ‘Regent-walk’, were flagged.Ibid. 215 This doorway was exactly opposite to the Great Gate, and the walk leading to it from the gate is ‘the Regent Walk’.
II. regent, a.|ˈriːdʒənt|
[a. F. regent (14th c.) or L. regent-em, pres. pple. of regĕre to rule.]
1. In special senses (usu. placed after the n.).
a. Holding the position of a University regent. Now only Hist.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VIII. 213 Þe abbot and þe chanouns of Osenay and maisters regentes [L. magistri regentes] of Oxenforde.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 199 The Rector of the Uniuersitie called to counsell all the Doctors regentes..to shew their myndes on this question.1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 1384/1 Angry with the vnmanerly multitude that would giue no rowme vnto the Doctours, Bachelers, Maisters, & other graduates and regent masters.1682Lond. Gaz. No. 1720/8 First, One of the Esquire Beadles, then the Regent-Masters, afterwards the Non-Regents, and Officers.1895Rashdall Univ. Mid. Ages xii. II. 364 The ‘Decree and Statute’ is issued ‘by the authority of the Chancellor and Masters Regent.’
b. Acting as, having the position of, regent of a country, esp. Queen regent; ruling as sovereign.
1555Eden Decades 215 The lady Regente moother vnto the frenche kynge.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 10 Than schaw ȝow him how queine regent Reft frome the Duik the authoritie.c1645Howell Lett. i. xviii. (1650) 30 She was made Queen Regent of France during the Kings Minority.1690Lond. Gaz. No. 2533/1 Next the Princes who are not Regents or Soveraigns, the Princes Regents, the Heralds.1705Lond. Gaz. No. 4161/2 His Imperial Majesty..intends..to receive the Homage of the States of Austria, as being the Regent Arch-Duke.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v., In France, the queen mother has the regency of the kingdom, under the title of queen regent, while the king is a minor.1765Blackstone Comm. I. iv. 212 The queen regent, regnant, or sovereign, is she who holds the crown in her own right.1841Q. Rev. LXVII. 316 Though himself a Protestant, he had in early life warmly defended Mary of Guise, the Queen Regent.
2. Ruling, governing, controlling. Now rare.
1613M. Ridley Magn. Bodies 1 The great regent Globes of Saturne, Mars, Jupiter, the Sunne and the Earth.1680Baxter Answ. Stillingfl. 8, I entreat you to tell me more plainly, which is the constitutive Regent part of a National Church?1762–9Falconer Shipwr. ii. 184 The regent helm her motion still commands.1844Mrs. Browning Drama of Exile Poems 1850 I. 71 This regent and sublime Humanity, Though fallen, exceeds you.
III. regent, v. Now rare.|ˈriːdʒənt|
[f. regent n.]
1. a. trans. To superintend or teach (a college, class, etc.), as a regent.
1623tr. Favine's Theat. Hon. ii. xiii. 248 All these Vniuersities are Regented by Professors of singular Pietie, and exquisite Learning.1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. Pref. 36 The Colleges..are regented by the Secular Clergy.1882M. Pattison in Jrnl. Educ. 1 Mar. 70 Graduates engaged in instructing or regenting the boys.
b. intr. To act as a University regent.
1631in Craufurd Hist. Univ. Edin. (1808) 119 Mr. William King, (after he had regented in the colledge 23 years), was called to the ministry at Crammond.1846Life J. Guthrie 142 He regented in the University of St. Andrews and there taught as Professor of Philosophy.
2. To control (a person) as a regent.
a1797H. Walpole Mem. Geo. II (1847) I. 99 Even the black Princes widow..was passed over and her son regented by his Uncles.
Hence ˈregenting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xviii. 147 The well-payed Incomes of Regenting Doctors.1884Edin. Rev. Apr. 427 The comparative economy of the plan of regenting.




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