

单词 infortunity
释义 inforˈtunity Obs.
[a. OF. infortunité (Godef.), ad. late L. infortūnitās (Lactantius, Ep. xxix. §9, quoting Aulus Gellius vi. i. 5, where some editors read importūnitās). The formation, from L. infortūnium (or its sources), was irregular.]
Unfortunate condition; misfortune, adversity.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 438 Ouer y⊇ noble men that were slayne in Scotlande by his infortunyte.1548Hall Chron., 9 Edw. IV (1809) 286 Other there be that ascribe his infortunitie onely to the stroke & punishment of God.1600Holland Livy xlii. lxii. 1152 Considering they are well tamed with the infortunitie of this battell.1652Gaule Magastrom. 237 If you would know whether your fortunatenesse or infortunity, prosperity or adversity, shall be more, or lesse.1720De Foe Apparition 1665 Wks. 1841 XIX. 259 The infortunity of the family.
b. with pl. An instance of this, a misfortune.
1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 5 For resistence of the infortunitees that dayly falles in thys worlde.1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 247 b, How dolorous..to remember the chaunces, and infortunites that happened within twoo yere in Englande.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxiv. vii. 258 And..there happened another no small infortunitie, namely, that the succors which we waited for..seemed for the causes aforesaid letted and stayd.1654Cokaine Dianea i. 14 We are all equally made lyable to infortunities.1656S. Holland Zara (1719) 78.




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