

单词 infix
释义 I. ˈinfix, n.
[f. L. infix-: see next; after affix, prefix, suffix.]
1. A fixing in, fixed position resulting from firm insertion. Obs.
1611W. Barksted Hiren (1876) 93 Forecast the Basis he shall rest vpon, Whose firme infixe thunders nor winds can shake.
2. Gram. A modifying element inserted in the body of a word, instead of being prefixed or suffixed to the stem.
1881Nature XXIII. 271/1 The arguments establishing the..connection of the Cambojan and Malayan languages..based on the principle of modifying infixes.1883Athenæum 24 Mar. 381/1 Some voices [in Semitic languages] are found made by what appear at first sight to be infixes.1887Max Müller in Fortn. Rev. May 709 A certain number of formal elements, called suffixes, prefixes, and infixes.
II. infix, v.|ɪnˈfɪks|
Also 7–9 en-.
[Partly f. L. infix-, ppl. stem of infīgĕre to fix or fasten in, imprint, impress, or OF. infixer (Godef.); partly f. in-1 or in-2 + fix v.]
1. trans. To fix or fasten (one thing) in (another); to implant or insert firmly.
1502W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione i. xii. 161 To returne vs to god; in whom if we wolde feruently infixe our selfe, it shulde nat be great nede to seke outwarde consolacions.1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1114/1 Therfore hath he..suffered hymselfe..to be touched and eaten, and y⊇ very teeth to be infixed into his flesh.1578Banister Hist. Man i. 14 So much [of the teeth] as is infixed within the Goummes to be perfect sensible.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 169 Infixing their Nailes in the Fronts of them, they claw off the skin.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) IV. 145 The animal cannot infix one tooth without all the rest accompanying its motions.1809tr. Mad. Cottin's Amelia Mansfield I. 109 Whether it is not there that vice enfixes, in silence, her most envenomed stings.1820C. R. Maturin Melmoth (1892) III. xxx. 213 Daggers..which those who wish me to live would not willingly see infixed.
b. fig. (of non-material action.)
1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1874) II. 16 O noble Princes..Infix your myndes to vertue and prudence.1595Shakes. John ii. i. 502, I do protest I neuer lou'd my selfe Till now infixed I beheld my selfe, Drawne in the flattering table of her eie.1822Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Confess. Drunkard, The vices which they introduced, and the habits they infixed.1875E. White Life in Christ ii. xiii. (1878) 148 So deeply is this habit of thought infixed in modern readers, that [etc.].
c. To affix. Obs.
1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 887/1 He vsed the seruice of secretaries in all the letters he wrote to him, infixing nothing of his owne hand but the subscription.
d. To fix or fasten on something.
1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 47 Where the impression of mine eye enfixing, Contempt his scornfull Perspectiue did lend me.1843E. Jones Sens. & Event 199 And we can wait thee, Death, our eyes enfixed Firmly there.
2. To fix (a fact, etc.) in the mind or memory, so as to cause a deep impression; to impress.
1542Becon Potation Lent in Early Wks. (Parker Soc.) 120 Grant..that we..may so infix in our breasts his most bitter death.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iii. x. 175 First soundly infix in thy mind what thou desirest to remember.1751Johnson Rambler No. 147 ⁋5 The care with which he shewed all the companions of his early years how strongly they were infixed in his memory.1889Macm. Mag. Aug. 301/2 These thoughts were but infixed more deeply.
3. Gram. To insert (a formative element) in the body of a word: cf. infix n. 2.
1868,1883[implied in infixing below].
Hence infixed ppl. a., inˈfixing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1552Huloet, Infyxed,..infixus.1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. ix. v. (1678) 218 According as the Body infixed is either hard or easie to be found.1755Johnson, Implantation,..the act of enfixing or settling.1860Ruskin Mod. Paint. V. ix. ix. §24 Death with the taunting word, and burning grasp, and infixed sting.1868Max Müller Stratific. Lang. 22 The infixing or incapsulating languages are but a variety of the affixing class.1883Amer. Jrnl. Philol. 347 Of the infixing of a letter between the first and third radical there seems to be no sure proof.




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