

单词 infernal
释义 infernal, a. and n.|ɪnˈfɜːnəl|
[a. F. infernal (from 12th c. in Littré), ad. L. infernāl-is of the realms below, infernal, f. infernus adj. situated below, subterranean, of the lower regions, whence infernī the shades, inferna the lower regions, and, in later (Christian) use, infernus n. masc. ‘hell’.]
A. adj.
1. Of or belonging to the world or ‘regions’ below, i.e. to the realm of the dead in ancient mythology, or the abode of evil spirits in Jewish and Christian belief; of, pertaining or relating to, hell.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iv. 1515 (1543) And this on euery god celestial..On euery Nymphe and deite infernal.c1485Digby Myst. ii. 412 The myȝte prince of the partes infernall.1555Eden Decades 325 To open a way to the courte of infernal Pluto.1563Homilies ii. Rebellion ii. (1859) 567 The miserable captives and vile slaves of that infernal tyrant Satan.1601Holland Pliny I. 3 The infernall powers beneath.1629Milton Nativity xxvi, The flocking shadows pale Troop to the infernal jail.1703Pope Thebais 411 By the black infernal Styx I swear.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) II. 141 To ascribe this strange production to the operations of an infernal agent.1828Scott F. M. Perth xxxii, The most abhorred fiend in the infernal regions is sent to torment me.
2. Of the character, or having some of the attributes of hell; like that of hell; hellish.
1562W. Bullein Def. agst. Sickness, Bk. Sicke Men 79 a, God deliuer us all, from soche infernall plagues from henceforthe.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 119 The forty load of Toback..fired, whose black vapour upon free-cost, gave the whole City infernall incense, two whole dayes.a1691Boyle Hist. Air (1692) 157 The heat of the island Suaquena, Gregory used to call, infernal.1858Kingsley Lett. I. (1878) 21 The infernal hiss and crackle of the flame.
3. Of the nature of the inhabitants of hell; diabolical, fiendish, devilish.
1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 101 The Sultan..carried with an infernall fury, defaced and most shamefully polluted the sepulchre of our blessed Sauior.1660Milton Free Commw. Wks. (1851) 445 The Language of thir infernal Pamphlets.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 48 An infernal project of the second mate's.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 37 Tophana..is still living in prison here, and few foreigners leave Naples without seeing this infernal hag.1827–35Willis Wife's Appeal 20 Voltaire, With an infernal sneer upon his lips.1848W. K. Kelly tr. L. Blanc's Hist. Ten Years I. 607 An infernal plot, it was said, had been formed;..miscreants went about, poisoning food, wine, and the water of the fountains.
a. infernal stone: an old name for lunar caustic. Obs.
1706Phillips, Infernal Stone, a sort of Caustick..so call'd from the exquisite Pain it causes in the Operation; it is the same with Silver Cautery.1758Reid tr. Macquer's Chym. I. 53 They are used by Surgeons, under the title of Lapis infernalis, Infernal Stone, or Silver Caustic.1855Mayne Expos. Lex., Lapis Infernalis, the infernal stone, a term for the caustic potash.
b. infernal machine: an apparatus (usually disguised as some familiar and harmless object) contrived to produce an explosion for the criminal destruction of life or property; formerly, an explosive apparatus used in military operations.
[1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1789) F iv, Amidst the confusion occasioned by this infernal apparatus.]1810Naval Chron. XXIII. 137 The infernal machine which was let off at St. Malo had no effect.1816W. Warden Lett. fr. St. Helena (ed. 4) 169 He [Napoleon] still retains his original belief in the contrivance of the Infernal Machine.1863Chambers Bk. of Days I. 109/1 It was the third time that what the French call an Infernal Machine was used in the streets of Paris.1880McCarthy Own Times IV. liv. 154 Some rudely constructed infernal-machine was flung into his bedroom at midnight.
c. infernal fig: a name for Argemone mexicana, a plant of the poppy tribe, with acrid seeds.
1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. (1788) 339 Infernal Fig, Argemone.1866Treas. Bot., Fig, Devil's or Infernal.
5. colloq. As a term of strong execration or condemnation: ‘Confounded’, execrable, detestable.
1764Foote Patron iii. (1781) 64 Bever... The infamy of being the author [of the play]. Juliet. What, is it bad, then? Bever. Bad! most infernal!1775Sheridan Duenna iii. i, Well, it is the most unaccountable affair! 'sdeath! there is certainly some infernal mystery in it.1866Mrs. J. H. Riddell Race for Wealth xv. (Tauchn.) 159 Her father boxed her ears, and told her not to make such an infernal fool of herself.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 213 His white trader friends told him not to be such an infernal ass.
B. n.
1. An inhabitant of the infernal regions, or of hell; an infernal deity; a fiend, devil. (Usually in pl.)
1582N. T. (Rhem.) Phil. ii. 10 That in the name of Iesus every knee bowe of the celestials, terrestrials, and infernals.1613Heywood Braz. Age Wks. 1874 III. 217 Vnmanacle the fiends, and make a passage Free for the Infernals.c1790Cowper Notes Milton's P.L. i. 114 To invent speeches for these Infernals so well adapted to their character.1833I. Taylor Fanat. i. 6 Outlaw of humanity, and offspring, as he [the persecutor] seems of infernals.
2. pl. The infernal regions. Obs.
1613Heywood Silv. Age Wks. 1874 III. 158 And with my club Worke my free passage (maugre all the fiends) Through these infernals.1673Dryden Marr. à la Mode v. i, And let me die, but I'll follow you to the infernals, till you pity me.
3. transf.
a. A person of fiendish character.
1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) III. 387 They are a set of infernals.1788J. May Jrnl. & Lett. (1873) 42 Only three days agone, some of the infernals [Indians] killed a white man.
b. A thing of infernal character; in later use, short for infernal machine (see A. 4 b). Obs.
1610Histrio-m. ii. 219 Ush. One of you answer the names of your playes. Post..A russet coat and a knaves cap (an Infernal).1779Hist. Eur. in Ann. Reg. 87/2 That no mercy ought to be shewn to them, and if the infernals could be employed against them he should approve of that measure.1809Naval Chron. XXII. 203 Rockets, infernals, fire-devils.
Hence (nonce-wds.) inˈfernalism, infernal system, practice, or character; inˈfernalness, infernality (Bailey vol. II, 1727); inˈfernalry, a haunt of ‘infernals’; inˈfernalship, the personality of an ‘infernal’.
1607Dekker Knt.'s Conjur. (1842) 16 Had his Infernalship ben arrested to any action how great soeuer..(the Diuell scornes to be nonsuited) he would haue answered that too.1864E. Sargent Peculiar II. 219 A noble people..manfully fighting the great battle of humanity against such infernalism as this.1871Carlyle in Mrs. Carlyle's Lett. III. 199 Cockneydom with its slums, enchanted aperies and infernalries.1888Voice (N.Y.) 20 Dec., In its plenary infernalism the rumseller's license implies the following contract.




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