

单词 indult
释义 I. indult, n.|ɪnˈdʌlt|
[a. F. indult (15–16th c.), or ad. L. indultum indulgence, permission, favour, privilege, subst. use of neuter of indultus, pa. pple. of indulgēre to indulge.]
1. A special privilege granted by authority; a licence or permission. Obs. in gen. sense.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 548 Ane fre indult of euerie falt and cryme.1625Sanderson Serm. (1681) I. 121 From the free and voluntary indult of temporal princes.
2. R.C.Ch. ‘A licence or permission granted by the Pope, whether to a corporation or to an individual, authorising something to be done which the common law of the Church does not sanction’ (Catholic Dict.).
1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) II. 327 At this time, mony indultis and privilegis war grantit be the Paip.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. (1653) 259 The summes of money which the pope receiveth for Firstfruits, Palls, Indulgences, Buls, Confessionals, Indults..Dispensations..cannot be counted.1688Lond. Gaz. No. 2389/3 By vertue of an Apostolical Indult of Eligibility previously granted him.1718in Earl Stanhope Hist. Eng. II. p. lxxviii, The indult granted the Pretender for the nomination of Irish bishops.1858Faber tr. Life Xavier 202 He had an indult from the Holy See, authorizing him to say the Office of three lessons, which is considerably shorter than that which is common to ecclesiastics.1885Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) s.v., A familiar instance is that of the Lenten indults, by which the Pope authorises the bishops, according to the circumstances of different countries, to dispense more or less with the rigour of the canons as to the quadragesimal fast. In former times indults chiefly related to the patronage of church dignities and benefices.
3. = indulto 2.
In mod. Dicts.
II. inˈdult, v. Obs. rare.
[f. indult-, ppl. stem of L. indulgēre to indulge.]
trans. To grant as a privilege or favour: = indulge v. 4.
1612G. Buck 3rd Univ. Eng. xlviii. in Stow's Ann. (1615) 988/2 Colledges, Athenæes, houses, and schooles, founded and..endowed with lands, and reuenewes by the auncient Kinges and Princes of this land..and vnto them royall priuiledges indulted.




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