

单词 hypocrite
释义 hypocrite|ˈhɪpəkrɪt|
Forms: 3–6 ypo-, ipocrite, (4 ypocrit), 4–6 ypocryte, (5 epocryte, 6 ypocreit, ipoc(h)ryte, -crit, ippo-, hippocrite), 6–7 hipocrit(e, 6– hypocrite.
[a. OF. ypo-, ipocrite (mod.F. hypocrite), ad. eccl. L. hypocrita, ad. Gr. ὑποκριτής an actor on the stage, pretender, dissembler, f. ὑποκρίνεσθαι: see hypocrisy.]
1. One who falsely professes to be virtuously or religiously inclined; one who pretends to have feelings or beliefs of a higher order than his real ones; hence generally, a dissembler, pretender.
a1225Ancr. R. 128 Þe valse ancre..is ipocrite & weneð forte gilen God.a1300Cursor M. 12205 Ypocrites! for yee ar sua.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Eugenia 379 He is wolf in lamskine hyd & ful verray ypocrite.1382Wyclif Matt. xxiii. 13 Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ypocritis.c1386Chaucer Sqr.'s T. 512 Swich was the ypocrite bothe coold and hoot.1426Audelay Poems 15 Thay likon hym to a lossere, and to an epocryte.1522More De Quat. Noviss. Wks. 82 Ipocrites that faine to haue vertues that they lack.1559Mirr. Mag., Warwick xiii, I was no hippocrite.1592Timme Ten Eng. Lepers E iv, These hypocrites are like unto glo-wormes, which although they shine in the night, yet in the day they are..vile wormes.c1645Howell Lett. (1655) IV. v. 13 This is not to keep Lent aright, But play the juggling Hypocrit.1711Addison Spect. No. 126 ⁋3 Such infamous Hypocrites, that are for promoting their own Advantage, under Colour of the Publick Good.1814Jane Austen Mansf. Park iii, Her cousins, seeing her with red eyes, set her down as a hypocrite.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. ii. 34 Who is to convert the hypocrite? He does not know he is a hypocrite..The greater hypocrite he is, the more sincere he must think himself.
2. attrib. or as adj. = hypocritical.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 89 On þis ypocrite manere þei seyn [etc.].c1400Apol. Loll. 105 Swilk similitudis of religious efter habit, & ypocrit signis.1530Latimer Serm. & Rem. (1845) 307 The hypocrite-wolves clad in sheep's clothing.1691Baxter Nat. Ch. ii. 9 Nominal Hypocrite Christians.1725Swift Riddle, Hypocrite fanatics cry, I'm but an idol rais'd on high.1875L. Morris Ode to Free Rome 136 Nor dark deceit, Nor hypocrite pretence.
Hence ˈhypocritely a. and adv.; ˈhypocriteness; ˈhypocritess. rare.
1541Barnes Wks. (1573) 307/1 Peraduenture hee vseth them not so hipocritely agaynst God omnipotent as you doe.1574tr. Marlorat's Apocalips 39 The hipocritly Jewes..stirred vp trouble on all sides.1602Dekker Satirom. Wks. 1873 I. 226 When I pray to God, and desire in hipocritnes that bald Sir Adams were heer.1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iii. iii. 473 Like a stubborn Boy That plies his Lesson (hypocritely-coy).1708Motteux Rabelais iv. lxiv, You may find these many goodly Hypocritesses, jolly spiritual Actresses..Women that have a plaguy deal of Religion.




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