

单词 hymn
释义 I. hymn, n.|hɪm|
Forms: 1 ymen, ymmon, hymen, 3–6 ymne, (3–5 imne, 4–5 impne), 4–6 ympne, (4 ymyn, 5 umne), 5–6 hympne, (6 ime, imme, himme), 6–7 hymme, hymne, 6– hymn.
[f. L. hymnus, a. Gr. ὕµνος a song or ode in praise of gods or heroes, taken by the LXX to render various Heb. words, meaning a song of praise to God; hence in N.T. (Eph. v. 19, Col. iii. 16), and in the Latin Vulgate and Christian writers from Augustine. Late eccl. L. ymnus was adopted in OE. as ymen, pl. ymenas, ymnas; but the ME. forms repr. OF. ymne, often modified after contemporary L. ympnus, hympnus, and at length under classical influence to hymn (mod.F. hymne). The earliest evidence for the non-pronunciation of final -n is app. Palsgrave's imme.]
1. A song of praise to God; any composition in praise of God which is adapted to be chanted or sung; spec. a metrical composition adapted to be sung in a religious service; sometimes distinguished from psalm or anthem, as not being part of the text of the Bible.
c825Vesp. Psalter cxxxvi. 3 Hymen singað us of songum Sione.971Blickl. Hom. 147 He [Michael] wæs ymen sing⁓ende mid eallum þæm englum.c1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) cxviii. [cxix.] 171 Nu mine weleras ðe wordum belcettað ymnas elne.a1225Ancr. R. 20 To [ðe] laste uers of euerich imne.Ibid. 158 Vor so hit is in his ymne: ‘antra deserti teneris sub annis’.a1300E.E. Psalter xcix. [c.] 4 In schrift his porches þat be, In ympnes to him schrive yhe.1382Wyclif Col. iii. 16 In salmes, and ymnes and spiritual songis.c1420Pallad. on Husb. vii. 260 (148) Saluz, blisse, ymne, honour..Iesu, be to The.1483Cath. Angl. 186/1 To synge Hympnes, himpnizare.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 215 b, As the chirche syngeth in the ymne Aue Maris stella.1530Palsgr. 231/2 Hymme that is song in the churche, hymne.Ibid. 234/1 Imme that is songe, hymne.1624Sanderson 12 Serm. (1632) 458 His disciples sang an hymme.1738Wesley Hymn, Lift up your Heads iii, To Psalms and Hymns we may aspire, If Anthems are too high.1856Stanley Sinai & Pal. iii. (1858) 192 The earliest hymn of Christian devotion, burst forth from the multitude, Hosanna to the Son of David.
2. a. An ode or song of praise in honour of a deity, a country, etc.
1513Douglas æneis vi. x. 70 Hympnis of price, trivmphe, and victory All singand.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 457 Every noone-tide they sing Hymnes to the Sunne.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 535 In jolly Hymns they praise the God of Wine.1796H. Hunter tr. St. Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) III. 254 This hymn will stand a comparison with the finest odes of Horace.1843Penny Cycl. XXVI. 171/2 The names of the authors of the hymns of the Rigveda have been handed down with the Veda itself.1871R. Ellis Catullus lxi. 12 Chant in melody musical Hymns of bridal.1880Grove's Dict. Mus. II. 219/2 (La Marseillaise) The words and music of this popular French hymn are the composition of Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle [24 Apr. 1792].
b. hymn of hate, the Hassgesang of the German poet Ernst Lissauer (1882–1937), an anti-British song; freq. transf.
1914[see hate n.1 1 c].1915A. Huxley Let. 26 Apr. (1969) 70 We're losing our heads and our senses of humour—and soon we shall be reduced to writing Hymns of Hate—then we're lost.1916Anzac Book 44 No ‘Hymn of Hate’ has yet been composed which would give expression to the hatred which has possessed me.1918G. B. Shaw Pen Portraits (1932) 40 Mr Chesterton, in his wildest hymns of hate, will break into a joke on his top note.1945H. G. Wells Happy Turning viii. 31 (heading) A hymn of hate against sycamores.1963E. Hyams New Statesmanship 8 This must not also entail blinking the facts about the Germans even if one did not join in the hymn of hate.1966B. Kimenye Kalasanda Revisited 67 She boarded the bus whilst still employed on her hymn of hate.
3. attrib. and Comb., as hymn-maker, hymn-singer, hymn-singing, hymn-tune, hymn-writer, hymn-writing; hymn-quoting adj., hymn-wise adv.
1483Cath. Angl. 186/1 An Himpne maker, hympnista.1653Ashwell Fides Apost. 263 His Creed..sung hymne⁓wise in the Church-service.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1852) II. 234 Pathetic lectures, long prayers, and incessant hymn-singings.a1835Mrs. Hemans Poems, View from Castri, The pine-woods, their choral hymn-notes sending.1879Whitney Sanskrit Gram. p. xiv, It is the most interesting of all, after the Rig-Veda, because it contains the largest amount of hymn-material.

hymn sheet n. a sheet of paper on which the words to a hymn or hymns are printed; (fig.) a manifesto, a statement of policy, etc.; to use the same hymn sheet: to agree, to follow the same policy (cf. to sing from the same hymn sheet at sing v.1 Additions).
1871Times 24 Aug. 1/3 Free Annual sermon, by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, 1d; *hymn sheets, eight different kinds.1966W. J. Burley Taste of Power iv. 30 A few hymn sheets underwent an inexplicable metamorphosis into paper darts.1994Bookseller 1 July 6/2 He told the Financial Times that it was vital that ‘everyone is using the same hymn sheets and all singing the same songs’, adding that Mr Davis' management style had been ‘less collaborative’.2000Independent 7 Nov. (Tuesday Review) 2/4 Entering politics, in the sense of getting close to real power, depends on joining one of only two political parties and then not deviating from that party's political hymn sheet.
II. hymn, v.|hɪm|
[f. prec. n.]
1. trans. To worship or praise in song; to sing hymns to.
1667Milton P.L. vi. 96 As sons of one great Sire Hymning th' Eternal Father.1733Pope Ess. Man iii. 156 In the same temple..All vocal beings hymn'd their equal God.1796–7Coleridge Poems (1862) 21 Therefore oft I hymn thy name.1830Sir R. Grant Hymn, ‘Oh Worship the King’ vi, While angels delight to hymn thee above.1874Pusey Lent. Serm. 453 Evening by evening, as they came to the setting sun, they hymned Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
2. To sing as a hymn; to express in a hymn or song of praise.
1727Pope Mary Gulliver to Capt. Gulliver 106 To hymn harmonious Houyhnhnm through the nose.1794Coleridge Relig. Musings 6 The heavenly multitude, Who hymned the song of peace o'er Bethlehem's fields.1813H. & J. Smith Rej. Addr., Rebuilding, The spheres hymn music.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 451 They hymn their praises and call them by sweet names.
3. absol. To sing hymns.
1715–20Pope Iliad xxiv. 83 Where this minstrel-god..amid the quire Stood proud to hymn, and tune his youthful lyre.1778Sk. Tabernacle Frames 28 Then, as they're hymning, checks 'em with a Gag.1804J. Grahame Sabbath 122 Thus reading, hymning, all alone, unseen, The shepherd-boy the Sabbath holy keeps.1827Pollok Course T. vii, The thrush Concerting with the lark that hymned on high.
Hence hymning |ˈhɪmɪŋ| vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1667Milton P.L. iii. 417 Thus they in Heav'n..Thir happie hours in joy and hymning spent.1674Dryden State Innoc. iv. i, None of all his hymning guards are nigh.1874Farrar Christ (1894) 118 Some band of hymning angels.




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