

单词 hudder-mudder
释义 hudder-mudder, n. Obs.
Also 5–6 hoder-moder, 6 hudder-mother, hudther-mudther, hudder-mutter, hutter-mutter, huther-muther.
[A reduplicated compound of which the first element appears to be related to hoder v. to huddle; the second is obscure, but in part, at least, onomatopœic: cf. hugger-mugger.]
Concealment, secrecy, privacy; chiefly in phr. in hudder-mudder.
1461J. Paston in P. Lett. No. 402 II. 28 He and hys wyfe and other have blaveryd here of my kynred in hoder⁓moder [printed hedermoder].a1529Skelton Col. Clout 69 Alas, they make me shoder! For in hoder moder The Churche is put in faute.1545R. Ascham Toxoph. i. (Arb.) 36 It hydes it not, it lurkes not in corners and hudder-mother.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 245/2 These things thus in hudder mutter among themselues concluded.1579Gosson Apol. Sch. Abuse (Arb.) 74, I know not yet because it is doone in hudder mudder.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. vii. 39 The miracles..were not darksome nor done in hudther mudther, but so openly and apparantly.
Hence hudder-mudder, huther-muther v. trans., to huddle up, conceal, keep close. Obs.
1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1560) A iij, What reason is it, yt we shulde huther muther here amonge a fewe, the thing that was made to be common unto al?




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