

单词 hot-work
释义 hot-work, v.
[f. hot a. 12 d + work v. 12 e.]
trans. To work (metal), e.g. by rolling, forging, etc., while it is hot and above the temperature at which recrystallization takes place. Usually in vbl. n. hot working.
1896H. H. Campbell Manuf. Structural Steel xiv. 192 (heading) Influence of hot working on steel.1916D. K. Bullens Steel & its Heat Treatment ii. 38 Steel which has been hot-worked down to the Ar1 point will show a finer grain.1932E. Gregory Metall. ii. 59 The modification of structure which is brought about by hot-working is of greater importance.1967A. H. Cottrell Introd. Metall. xviii. 313 This is one of the reasons for hot working such metals.Ibid. xxi. 405 This is the basis of industrial hot working processes in which metal ingots or billets are given massive deformations by comparatively small applied stresses.
Also hot work n., hot working.
1905J. W. Mellor Crystall. Iron & Steel 77 Hot work has no direct action upon the structure of the steel.1928H. M. Boylston Introd. Metall. Iron & Steel xiii. 369 All mechanical treatment may be divided into two classes, namely, hot work and cold work.1961J. N. Anderson Appl. Dental Materials (ed. 2) v. 44 Hot work, on the other hand, involves simultaneous deformation and recrystallization.




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