

单词 Hottentot
释义 Hottentot|ˈhɒt(ə)ntɒt|
Also 7 hatten-tote, hottantot: see also hodmandod 2.
[a. Du. Hottentot (also Ottentot, Hottentoo, Riebeck's Journal, Jan. 1652); according to Dapper, Beschryvingh der Afrikansche Gewesten, 1670, a word meaning ‘stutterer’ or ‘stammerer’, applied to the people in question on account of their clucking speech: see Trans. Philol. Soc. 1866, 6–25.]
1. a. One of the two sub-races of the Khoisanid race (the other being the Sanids or Bushmen), characterized by short stature, yellow-brown skin colour, and tightly curled hair. They are of mixed Bushman-Hamite descent with some Bantu admixture, and are now found principally in South-West Africa. Also, a member of this race.
1677Sir T. Herbert Trav. 17 While these Hatten⁓totes were in our company.1697W. Dampier Voy. (1729) I. 536 The word Hottantot..is the Name by which they call to one another..as if every one of them had this for his Name.1715Burnet Hist. Ref. III. Introd. 18 Would these Men reduce us to be a Sort of Hottentots?1766Wesley Wks. (1872) III. 253, I found her as ignorant of the nature of religion as an Hottentot.1886Marquis of Salisbury Sp. 15 May, You would not confide free representative institutions to the Hottentots, for instance.1897Bryce S. Africa 76 The second native race was that which the Dutch called Hottentot.Ibid. 78 In the settled parts of the Colony, the Hottentot..has vanished more completely than has the Red Indian from the Atlantic States of North America.1924A. C. Haddon Races of Man (ed. 2) 41 An early migration of Hamites mixed with this population [sc. Bushmen] and gave cattle and elements of their language to the mixed people who in South Africa are known as Hottentots.1930I. Schapera Khoisan Peoples of S. Africa iii. x. 239 There is little information as to the existence of food taboos among the Hottentots in more recent times.1965H. B. Isherwood Racial Contours viii. 308 Opinion seems to be gaining ground that the Bushman and the Hottentot bear so many features indicating a divergent evolutionary history that they should be classed as a separate race altogether and not grouped under the heading of Negroid. The title provisionally proposed is Khoisanoid, based on the name by which these people know themselves.1970P. Oliver Savannah Syncopators 31 Alan P. Merriam has identified as distinct musical regions those of the Hottentot-Bushman.1974J. R. Baker Race xvii. 318 The Hottentots, Korana, and Bushmen are not to be regarded as people adapted by natural selection to a desert life.
b. transf. A person of inferior intellect or culture; one degraded in the scale of civilization, or ignorant of the usages of civilized society. (This derogatory sense, which was based on a failure to understand an alien culture, appears now to be very rare.)
1726Amherst Terræ Fil. xxxv. 190 Surprized..to find a place, which he had heard so much renown'd for learning, fill'd with such grey-headed novices and reverend hotten⁓tots.1751Chesterfield Lett. to Son 28 Feb., The utmost I can do for him, is to consider him a respectable Hottentot.1763Brit. Mag. July 338/2 England..yet abounded greatly with such kinds of Hottentots.
c. (In full Hottentot fish.) A South African marine food fish of the genus Pachymetopon, esp. P. blochii.
1798S. H. Wilcocke tr. Stavorinus' Voy. E. Indies I. 560 The Hottentot-fish, which is like a sea-bream.1838J. E. Alexander Exped. Disc. Int. Afr. I. 88 The delicious Roman fish, Hottentot.1921Ann. S. Afr. Mus. XXI. 721 The Hottentot is one of the commonest Cape fishes.1949J. L. B. Smith Sea Fishes S. Afr. 276 The Hottentot slipped away with the next wave.
d. The Khoisan language spoken by the Hottentots.
1884[see click n.1 5].1910Encycl. Brit. IV. 871/2 Their language..has in common with Hottentot..the peculiar sounds known as ‘clicks’.1921E. Sapir Lang. iii. 55 Certain languages, like the South African Hottentot and Bushman, have also a number of inspiratory sounds.1953J. B. Carroll Study of Language ii. 57 He..doubts very much the validity of certain early theories that such languages..as Bantu and Hottentot are in any way related to the Semitic-Hamitic group.1972Stand. Encycl. S. Afr. V. 605/1 Afrikaans and South African English have taken over words from Hottentot, such as buchu, dagga, kanna.
2. attrib. or as adj. Of or belonging to this race.
1718Entertainer No. 28. 187 The Spiritual is reduc'd to a Hottentot Way of Government.1731Medley Kolben's Cape G. Hope I. 81 The Hottentot stammering or clashing of the tongue in speaking.1797Encycl. Brit. VIII. 684/2 The Hottentot language is..said to be a composition of the most strange and disagreeable sounds.Ibid. 685/1 A general opinion has prevailed that the Hottentot women have a kind of natural vail which covers the female parts.Ibid. 687/2 In a craal, or Hottentot village, the huts are most commonly disposed in a circle.1811in W. J. Burchell Trav. S. Afr. (1822) I. xv. 371 The most dangerous malady is a kind of cancerous sore or ulcer, called in the colony the Hottentots Zeer (Hottentot Sore).1828J. Philip Res. S. Afr. I. p. xviii, The missionaries..were called ‘Hottentot predicants’ (ministers), by way of contempt.1836Penny Cycl. VI. 257/1 The latter [the Koranna Hottentots] are one of the few Hottentot tribes that have retained their independence.1846Mrs. Gore Eng. Char. (1852) 104 In what Hottentot ignorance these poor creatures are at present reared.1865Watermeyer in Trans. Philol. Soc. (1866) 17 The Hottentot national name is ‘Khoikhoip’, plural ‘Khoikhoin’, and is still in use among the Namaquas.1897Bryce S. Africa 77 From unions between Hottentot women and the Dutch sprang the mixed race whom the Dutch call Bastards and the English Griquas.1924Internat. Jrnl. Psycho-Anal. V. 41 It might perhaps be not without significance that three of the five patients informed me of their own accord that they possessed ‘Hottentot nymphae’.1933I. Schapera Early Cape Hottentots p. xii, In Hottentot mythology Gaunab figured as a malevolent chief.1965H. B. Isherwood Racial Contours viii. 308 Associated with the Naman and talking their language are the primitive Bergdama or Hankhoin people, who are virtually under Hottentot tribal rule.1974J. R. Baker Race vi. 97 When Van Riebeck and his little company of emigrants from the Netherlands landed at Table Bay in 1652, they were met by Hottentot herdsmen.
3. Special comb.: chiefly names of South African plants: Hottentot apron (see apron n. 5 c); Hottentot('s) bean (tree) S. Afr., a shrub or tree of the genus Schotia, esp. S. latifolia, or its fruit; Hottentot('s) bread, Testudinaria elephantipes; formerly, also, the root of Richardia (Calla) æthiopica; Hottentot cherry, Cassine maurocenia; Hottentot('s) fig, Mesembryanthemum edule; Hottentot fish (see sense 1 c above); Hottentot('s) god S. Afr., a praying mantis, formerly worshipped by the Hottentots; Hottentot's head, Stangeria paradoxa, a cycad with a thick trunk like a turnip; Hottentot pie, a kind of meat pie (see Mrs. Raffald Eng. Housekpr. (1778) 154); Hottentot rice: see quot.; Hottentot('s) tea, Helichrysum serpyllifolium.
1801J. Barrow Acct. Trav. S. Afr. I. 189 Not so with the *Hottentot bean... This plant is the African Lignum vitae.1833S. Kay Trav. Caffraria 106 The Hottentot's bean tree.1921T. R. Sim Native Timbers S. Afr. 192 Hottentots Bean Tree. Schotia, sps.1965F. von Breitenbach Indigenous Trees S. Afr. ii. 327 Schotia afra... Hottentot's Bean... The roasted beans are eaten by some tribes.
1731Medley Kolben's Cape G. Hope II. 223 The root of the Arum..is ordinarily call'd *Hottentot-Bread. They boil out its acrimony in two or three fresh waters, and then dry it in the sun.1858Hogg Veg. Kingd. 718 The root⁓stock of Testudinaria elephantipes, called Elephant's Foot or Hottentot's Bread, forms a large, fleshy mass covered with a rough and cracked bark.
1818Todd cites Chambers for *Hottentot Cherry.1880S. Africa (ed. 3), Hottentot Cherry is the fruit of Maurocenia Capensis..a shrub growing in the ravines of Table Mountain.
1731Medley Kolben's Cape G. Hope I. 141 Some women go into the field to gather the stalks of what they call *Hottentot-figs.1882Garden 4 Feb. 75/3 The Hottentot Fig..sometimes used as a substitute for Spinach.
1785G. Forster tr. Sparrman's Voy. Cape G. Hope I. 211 A genus of insects (the mantis) called by the colonists the *Hottentot's god.1957W. Tapson Old Timer i. 10 Flyingants and glowworms and dragonflies and hottentot-gods.1961L. van der Post Heart of Hunter xii. 161 When they noticed the reverence in which the Mantis was held by some of the aborigines of the Cape, they inaccurately called him the Hottentot's God.1962Cape Times Week-end Mag. 10/1, I like Hottentot Gods, bloodthirsty little savages as they may be.
1884Miller Plant-n., *Hottentot's-head, Stangeria paradoxa.
1775Masson in Phil. Trans. LXVI. 315 They also eat the eggs of a large species of ant. They are commonly called *Hottentot's rice.
1850L. Pappe Florae Capensis Medicae Prodromus 17 Helichrysum serpyllifolium..goes by the name of *Hottentot's tea,..and is much liked by the coloured people, who infuse it as tea.1972Stand. Encycl. S. Afr. V. 611/1 Hottentot tea... Helichrysum orbiculare = H. serpyllifolium... Another species, which is also called Hottentot-tea, is H. nudifolium.
Hence ˈHottentot v. intr., to become, or live as, a Hottentot; Hottentoˈtese, the speech of the Hottentots; Hottenˈtotic, ˈHottentotish adjs., of, pertaining, or relating to Hottentots, or to races in a similar condition; after the manner of a Hottentot. ˈHottentotism, a practice characteristic of Hottentots, a species of stammering.
1787M. Edgeworth Leonora (1833) 172 It is lost labour to civilize him, for sooner or later he will *hottentot again.
1873F. Hall Mod. Eng. 39 They might as well address Roger in *Hottentotese or Kamschadalian.
1884I. Taylor in Academy 26 Jan. 63/1 [A method of explaining myths, which] may be provisionally designated as the *Hottentotic heresy.Ibid. 16 Feb. 115/3 Interpreted by the Hottentotic process.
1795in Polwhele Trad. & Recoll. (1826) II. 427 The survey of a *Hottentottish pilchard cellar.
1817Coleridge Own Times (1850) III. 957 Some Hottentots were converted from *Hottentotism through the pious labours of the Missionary Society.1871Tylor Prim. Culture I. v. 156 The term Hottentotism has been thence adopted as a medical description of one of the varieties of stammering.




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