

单词 hollin
释义 hollin, hollen Now arch. or dial.|ˈhɒlɪn|
Forms: 1 holen, holeᵹn, 3–6 holin, -yn, 5 holing, holyng(e, 5–6 holyne, 6– hollen (6 holine, holene, hollynne, 7 hollyn, hollinge), 7–9 hollin.
[OE. holen, holeᵹn, radically related to OHG. hulis, huls, Ger. and Du. hulst (also, from OHG., F. houx); the OE. form appears to be cognate with Welsh celyn, Corn. celin, Bret. kelen, Ir. cuillean holly.]
= holly. (Still a common form in Scotland.)
c725Corpus Gloss. 53 Acrifolus, holeᵹn.c1000ælfric Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 138/38 Acrifolius, holen.c1325Gloss. W. de Biblesw. in Wright Voc. 163 La hous, holyn.c1450Bk. Curtasye 399 in Babees Bk. 311 Þer browȝt schalle be a holyn kene, Þat sett schalle be in erber grene.1450Holland Howlat 48, I sawe ane Howlat..vndir ane holyne.1501Presentm. Juries in Surtees Misc. (1888) 30 Thomas Ternour..has pylled hollynnes in diverse places.a1650Marr. Sir Gaw. 55 in Furniv. Percy Folio I. 109 Betwixt an oke & a greene hollen.1816Scott Antiq. xxxiii, Make your merry men gather the thorn, and the brier, and the green hollin.1858Kingsley Poems, Red King 8, I saw thee lie under the hollins green.
b. attrib. and Comb. hollin cock, hollin stick: see quots.
c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 78 Wyl on wætere..holen rinde.Ibid. 356 ᵹenim holen leafa.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 206 In his on honde he hade a holyn bobbe.c1325Gloss. W. de Biblesw. in Wright Voc. 163 La houce, holin-tree.1483Cath. Angl. 187/2 An Holyn bery, hussum.1560Rolland Crt. Venus i. 88 His Spainȝe cloik was of the Holine hew.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 349/2 Hollin Sticks used by Cordwainers, not that they are made of Hollin Wood, but a peculiar name so given them, with them they burnish and polish the upper Leather, and sides of the Sole Leather; also by the sharp ends they run Riggets, and score the Leather with what Devises they please.1848Zoologist VI. 2290 The missel thrush..a ‘hollin cock’.




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