

单词 hobbler
释义 I. hobbler1 Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈhɒblə(r)|
Forms: 4–9 hobler, hobeler, hobiler, 4 hoblur, (4 hobiner), 5 hobyler, (Hist. 6 hobellar, hobbiler, 8 hobelar, 9 hobbelar, hobiller, hobelour), 9 hobbler.
[In AngloFr. hobeleor, -lour, also hobeler, hobler (Godef.), in med.L. hobellārius, hoberārius (Du Cange), a deriv. of hobi, hobin, hobby n.1, app. of irregular formation.]
1. A retainer bound to maintain a hobby for military service; a soldier who rode a hobby, a light horseman. Obs. exc. Hist.
c1308Pol. Songs (Camden) 196 And thos hoblurs, name⁓lich, That husbond benimeth eri of grund. [1325in Calend. Rotul. Patent. (1802) 96 De Hobelariis eligendis, apud Beaulieu 4° April.]1375Barbour Bruce xi. 110 And fifty thousand of archerys He had, forouten the hoblerys.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. cxcii. 169 The Englysshmen fled bytwene the hobylers and the grete hoost.1577–87Holinshed Scot. Chron. (1805) II. 20 Of such armed men as they called hoblers set forth by the borrowes and good townes twentie thousand.1612Davies Why Ireland etc. (1787) 25 Twenty hoblers, armed (the Irish horsemen were so called, because they served on hobbies).1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. xi. (1739) 59 By Hoblers, meaning those now called light Horse-men.1736Carte Ormonde II. 395 The Irish armies consisted of Hoblers which were their horse, and Kearnes which were their foot.1872E. W. Robertson Hist. Ess. Introd. 19 Richard de Burgh was ordered to forward from Ireland 300 Hobelers for service in the Scottish wars.
Erron. used for hobby.
1828Scott F.M. Perth viii, I guess him, by his trotting hobbler..to be the follower of some of the southland lords.Ibid., While he himself remounted his hobbler.
2. (See quots.) Obs.
157.Lambarde in Strutt Antiq. Eng. (1775) II. 34 The hobbilers were aunciently suche men as in time of daunger rode in poste from place to place, to give notice thereof upon hobbyes, or nagges; whereof the name of hobbilers was given to them.1659E. Leigh Eng. Descr. 85 The whole Countrey [Isle of Wight] is divided into eleven parts, and every of them hath their..Posts also or Runners, whom by an old name, grown almost out of use, they terme still Hoblers, who presently give intelligence of all occurrents to the Captain and Governour of the Isle.
3. Comb. hobbler-archer, an archer mounted on a light horse.
[1364Chron. Will. Thorn in Twysden Scriptores Decem (1652) 2140 Pro hoberariis sagittariis inveniendis et sustenandis.Ibid., Prædictos hobilarios sagittarios.]1786Grose Milit. Antiq. (1801) I. 108 Sometimes archers were mounted on light horses, whence they were stiled hobiler archers.
II. hobbler2|ˈhɒblə(r)|
[f. hobble v. + -er1. (But sense 3 may be a distinct word.)]
1. A person that hobbles in his gait.
c1665Roxb. Ball. (1888) VI. 498 But now my resolve was never to trouble her, Or venture my carkis with such a blind hobbler.
2. A child's top that wabbles or spins unsteadily. Hence (app.) hobler's hole, hobler-hole, hoblies hole, ? a hole into which such a top was thrown, as a mark to be aimed at. Obs.
1594Lyly Moth. Bomb. v. iii, Rather than I'le lead this life, I'le throw my fiddle into the leads for a hobler.1609R. Armin Maids of More-Cl. (1880) 87 Now Iohn, i'le cry first. And i'le cry lagge. I was in hoblies hole.1633B. Jonson Tale Tub iii. iv, I had whipp'd 'hem all, like tops In Lent, and hurl'd 'hem into Hoblers-hole; Or the next ditch.1686W. de Britaine Hum. Prud. xix. 85 Like a Top, which hath been for a long time scourged, and run well, yet at last to be lodged up for a Hobler.1847–78Halliwell, Hobler-hole, the hinder-hole at a boy's game.
b. transf. A person that vacillates or ‘wabbles’.
1575Gascoigne Glasse Govt. i. i. Poems 1870 II. 22 Shall I be cast vp for a hobler then? I am sure I was neuer yet vntrusty to any of you both.
3. a. An unlicensed pilot, on some parts of the coast of England: = hoveller 1. b. A man who undertakes the moving or transporting of vessels in and out of dock; a man employed in towing vessels by a rope on land. local. c. A casual labourer employed at quays, docks, etc. local.
1838Holloway Dict. Provinc., Hobblers, men employed in towing vessels by a rope on the land. Somerset.1840Marryat Poor Jack xxvi, Those pilots who ply in the Channel are called Hoblers.1851in Illustr. Lond. News (1854) 5 Aug. 118 Occupations of the people, Hobler, lumper.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Hobbler,..an unlicensed pilot..Also, a man on land employed in towing a vessel by a rope.1885Morn. Post Aug., The men were all paid off, and four hobblers were engaged to perform the necessary work while the vessel remained in port.1886Life H. S. Brown i. (1887) 5 An Irishman, who was a hobbler on the quay.




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