

单词 unpatience
释义 unˈpatience Obs.
[un-1 12, 5 b.]
Lack of patience; impatience.
1380Lay Folks Catech. (Lamb. MS.) 740 Be grucchyngge and vnpaciens and blasfemynge of god.c1440Jacob's Well 94 Þe sexte fote depe of wose in wretthe is vnpacyence.Ibid., Vnpacyens is full of malyce.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 361 b/2 Neuertheles was neuer sene in her signe of unpacyence but alwey swete wordes.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Gal. i. 3 b, Lest any thynke that these my wordes are spoken either of hastynes or of vnpacience.1643J. Steer tr. Exp. Chyrurg. ix. 43 By reason of the Childs unpatience I could not make the Medicine stay.




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