

单词 unorganized
释义 unˈorganized, ppl. a.
[un-1 8, 5 b.]
1. Not brought into an organic state.
1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxx. §5 An uniform, unorganized body, consisting..all of similar parts.1746Berkeley in Fraser Life (1871) viii. 316 To me it seems that stones are vegetables unorganized.1794R. J. Sulivan View Nat. I. 467 If we find causes of uncertainty in regard to organized beings, how many more must we find in regard to unorganized beings.1829T. Castle Introd. Bot. 225 That the epidermis is a fine, transparent, unorganized pellicle.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 189 Ordinary unorganised or partly organised polypoid thrombi.
2. Not formed into an orderly or regulated whole.
1836H. Coleridge North. Worthies (1852) I. 16 Confiding in the unorganised valour of the English nation..he..opposed a standing army.1860Froude Hist. Eng. V. 213 The sustained fire..threw their dense and unorganized masses into rapid confusion.
Hence unˈorganizedness.
1664H. More Apology 486 Which makes me..seem to allow of the Unorganizedness of the æthereal Vehicle of the Soul.

Add:[2.] b. spec. Not belonging to, formed into, or represented by a trade union; also designating companies in which trade unions are absent or unrecognized.
1888Times 20 Sept. 7/3 Mr. Booth calls sweating the advantage that may be taken of unskilled and unorganized labour under the contract system.1911G. B. Shaw Getting Married Pref. 151 The dependence of women on men..reduces the difference between marriage and prostitution to the difference between Trade Unionism and unorganized casual labor.1946Seafarers' Log 17 May 6/4 The seamen responded almost unanimously to the strike call with organized and unorganized seamen alike tying up the ships and hitting the bricks.1970J. Cotler in I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. xii. 428 Those who have means of representation, have achieved considerable gains with regard to the unorganized peasant mass..and the unemployed population of the cities.1986Business Week 28 Apr. 52/3 Blue-collar pay rates tend to follow patterns set by unions, even in unorganized companies.




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