

单词 hemeralopia
释义 hemeralopia Path.|ˌhɛmərəˈləʊpɪə|
[mod.L., a. Gr. type *ἡµεραλωπία, f. ἡµεράλωψ, f. ἡµέρ-α day + ἀλα-ός blind + ὤψ eye: cf. nyctalopia. (In mod.F. héméralopie.) The Gr. ἡµεράλωψ appears in Galen as the contrary of νυκτάλωψ, i.e. ὁ τῆς νυκτὸς ἀλαός that is blind by night.]
‘Day-blindness’; a visual defect in which the eyes see indistinctly, or not at all, by daylight, but tolerably well by night or artificial light. (But used by many in the sense of ‘night-blindness’, nyctalopia.)
‘Day-blindness’ is the etymological meaning of the word, and the sense in which ἡµεράλωψ, as the contrary of νυκτάλωψ, was used by Galen. But, as nyctalopia was, from an early date, taken by some in the opposite sense, these also reversed the etymological sense of hemeralopia, and used it as = ‘night-blindness’, ‘day-sight’, as if the word were hemeropia. ‘With the exception of Copland and Henry Power, all or most modern authors..have used the term in the sense of night-blindness. The Royal College of Physicians of London have reverted to the true meaning of the word in their ‘Nomenclature of Diseases’’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.). But the Medical Dictionary of F. P. Foster, New York, 1891, continues the non-etymological sense of ‘day-vision, night-blindness’. The word was rightly used by Paré in 16th c.: Œuvres xv. 3 (Littré) Le contraire est quand on voit mieux de nuit que de jour, et se peut dire hemeralopia en grec, œil de chat en francois.
1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Hemeralopia, a Faculty when one sees clearer in the Night than in the Day.1814R. W. Bampfield in Med. Chirurg. Trans. V. 32 (title) A Practical Essay on Hemeralopia, or Night Blindness, commonly called Nyctalopia.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) III. 144 The confusion which has taken place among earlier writers in distinguishing the disease by two directly opposite terms, nyctalopia and hemeralopia.Ibid. 145 It [hemeralopia] is the luscitas of Beer; the day-blindness of various other writers.1858Copland Dict. Pract. Med. II. 896 One terming night-blindness nyctalopia, and another hemeralopia, while day-blindness has been equally designated by both terms.1878tr. Ziemssen's Cycl. Med. XVII. 205 Hemeralopia and scurvy have been very frequently found existing in the same person.
Hence hemeraˈlopic a., affected with or subject to hemeralopia.
1878tr. Ziemssen's Cycl. Med. XVII. 205 Usually the scurvy is developed first, the patients subsequently becoming hemeralopic.1880Libr. Univ. Knowl. (N.Y.) X. 757 [He] was the first of the family known to be hemeralopic; his children..were all affected with night-blindness.




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