

单词 hell-gate
释义 hell-gate
Pl. hell-gates.
[Orig. two words.]
The portal or entrance of hell.
c1000ælfric Hom. I. 228 Ure Hælend Crist tobræc helle ᵹatu.c1160Hatton Gosp. Matt. xvi. 18 Helle ȝate ne maȝen on-ȝean þa.c1320Cast. Love 1341 Helle-ȝates he al to-breek.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 314 Oure porter at helle gate Is halden so strate.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. vii. 25. 1626 Shirley Brothers ii. i, Mouths, that day and night Are open, like hell-gates, to feed.1667Milton P.L. ii. 746 The Portress of Hell Gate.1892Kipling Barrack-Room Ballads 195 He yearned to the flare of Hell-gate there as the light of his own hearth⁓stone.1934T. S. Eliot Rock i. 47 The Heart of Man..Swinging between Hell Gate and Heaven Gate.




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