

单词 heir apparent
释义 heir apparent
Formerly also apparent heir.
[See apparent a. 4.]
The heir (of one still alive) whose right is indefeasible, provided he outlives his ancestor, at whose death he is heir-at-law.
1375,14941711 [see apparent a. 4].1530Palsgr. 230/1 Heyre apparaunt, monsievr.1555Bradford in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. App. xlv. 131 Thoughe the Quene..disheryt the right heyres apparant.1614Selden Titles Hon. 168 A designation..of the next Apparant Heire or successor.1765Blackstone Comm. i. iv. 223 The prince of Wales, or heir apparent to the crown.1844Williams Real Prop. (1877) 96 A man may have an heir apparent, or an heir presumptive, but until his decease he has no heir.
attrib.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. ii. 46 Go hang thy selfe in thine owne heire-apparant-Garters.
Hence heir-aˈpparency, heir-aˈpparentish a., heir-aˈpparentship nonce-wds.
1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. vii. iv. II. 284 Cannot you renounce the Heir-Apparentship, then?1882H. C. Merivale Faucit of B. i. iv, To keep him out of his elder's heir-apparentish influence.




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