

单词 redness
释义 redness|ˈrɛdnɪs|
[f. red a. + -ness.]
a. The state or quality of being red; red colour.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxi. [xix.] (1890) 322 Mid þy me nu..of swiran forðhlifað seo readnis [L. rubor] & bryne þæs swiles & wærces.971Blickl. Hom. 7 Seo readnes þære rosan lixeþ on þe.c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. i. 3 (Camb. MS.), Shewynge by rednesse [L. rubore] hyr shame they passeden sorwfully the thresshfold.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode iv. lix. (1869) 204 Whyt milk it bicometh whan it is soden, and þe rednesse goth al awey.1485Caxton St. Wenefr. 4 A lytil redenes in maner of a threde wente aboute the neck.1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1553) B iv, A desease called Gutta rosacea, or copper face, in Englishe,..is an excessiue rednesse aboute the nose.1615Crooke Body of Man 72 Where blood aboundeth..a rosie rednesse mingleth it selfe with the white.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 220 Towards winter they wax kipper,..and loose both their rednesse and taste.a1756Mrs. Heywood New Present (1771) 25 Fresh fish in general may be judged by the redness of their gills.a1822Shelley Chas. I, i. 118 We see the redness of the torches Inflame the night.1855Longfellow Hiaw. xxii. 212 The evening sun descending Set the clouds on fire with redness.1976Lancs. Evening Post 7 Dec. 3/9 He grabbed witness by the collar, causing scratches to the neck and redness.1981G. Hammond Revenge Game xii. 137 In Keith's mind, a set of vague ideas solidified into a herring of most extraordinary redness.
b. The state or quality of being politically ‘red’.
Under Chairman Mao the concept of ‘redness’ as opposed to ‘expertness’ was of great significance in the People's Republic of China.
1940R. S. Lambert Ariel & all his Quality iii. 84 Press campaigns against alleged BBC ‘redness’.1973R. Taylor Educ. & Univ. Enrolment Policies in China, 1949–1971 39 The subordination of expertise to ideology (or ‘redness’).1973T. R. Tregear Chinese iii. 57 In the industrial field ‘expertness’ assumed greater importance than ‘redness’.1975I. C. Y. Hsü Rise of Mod. China (ed. 2) xxvi. 796 The government in 1957 initiated a ‘socialist education movement’ among the industrial and agrarian population, followed by the dispatch of military and civil leaders to physical labor as an example to the people. The importance of ‘redness’, i.e., ideology over expertise, was very much emphasized.




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