

单词 hedge-hyssop
释义 hedge-hyssop
A name given by early herbalists to Gratiola officinalis, a scrophulariaceous plant of Central Europe, formerly noted for its medicinal properties; extended to various British plants supposed to resemble this in appearance or properties, e.g. Scutellaria, Lythrum hyssopifolium.
1578Lyte Dodoens vi. xii. 673 Hedge Hysope is founde in certayne places of Germanie and Fraunce..It groweth in Hedges, and wilde places. Some do call it in Latine, Gratia Dei, howbeit it is nothing like Gratia Dei, or Gratiola.a1605Middleton Witch iii. iii, Hedge-hyssop too: how near he goes my cuttings!1633Johnson Gerarde's Herbal 564 (Britten & Holl.) It [Polygala] is vulgarly known in Cheapside to the herbe-women by the name of Hedge-Hyssop; for they take it for Gratiola, or Hedge-Hyssop, and sell it to such as are ignorant for the same.1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. xxvii. 220 Gratiola vulgaris, true hedge Hyssope.Ibid. 221 Gratiola cœrulea, sive latifolia major, the greater broade leafed or blew flowred hedge Hyssope.1796Withering Brit. Plants (ed. 3) II. 442 Lythrum..hyssopifolium..Grasspoly, Small Hedge-hyssop.1893McCarthy Red Diamonds II. 43 The deadly fox-glove, and its less deadly cousin, the hedge hyssop.




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