

单词 head-penny
释义 ˈhead-penny Obs. exc. Hist.
1. A poll tax or capitation fee. Cf. head-money.
c1200Ormin 3293 He shollde þær forr himm Hiss hæfedd⁓peninng reccnenn.1444Act 23 Hen. VI, c. 7 La somme de lx li. & pluis, appellez hede peniez.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 70 Byd ych man com to you holly, And bryng to you a heede penny.1624Capt. Smith Virginia iv. 167 A Penny vpon euery Poll, called a head-penny.
2. A personal or individual ecclesiastical payment or offering.
1550Crowley Inform. & Petit. 11 b, .I. d. to the curate, which he called an heade penye, and .vi. d. to .ii. clarkes.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. 182 First-fruits, Redemption of the first-borne, head-pence, and such like, were by his Laws reserved to the use and benefit of the priests.




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