

单词 university
释义 university, n.|juːnɪˈvɜːsɪtɪ|
Forms: 6 vniuersite, 5 -versite, 5–6 -uersitee, 4–5 vnyuersite(e, 5–6 -uersyte(e; 5–7 vniuersitie (6 Sc. wni-), 6 -tye, vnyuersytye, -tie, 7 vniuersity, -versity, 6–7 universitie, 7– university. See also varsity, versity.
[a. AF. université, universeté, univercyté, OF. universitei, universiteit, université (13th c.; mod.F. université, = Pr. universitat, It. università, Sp. universidad, Pg. -idade; also in sense 1 MDu. universitet, MDu. and Du. universiteit, MG., MLG. universitête, MHG. universitêt, G. universität, Dan., Sw. universitet):—L. ūniversitāt-, ūniversitās, (1) the whole, entire number, universe, (2) in later and mediæval Latin (chiefly in legal use), a society, company, corporation, or community regarded collectively; f. L. ūniversus (see universe).]
1. a. The whole body of teachers and scholars engaged, at a particular place, in giving and receiving instruction in the higher branches of learning; such persons associated together as a society or corporate body, with definite organization and acknowledged powers and privileges (esp. that of conferring degrees), and forming an institution for the promotion of education in the higher or more important branches of learning; also, the colleges, buildings, etc., belonging to such a body. In recent use, const. without article: at (or to) university, etc.
Sometimes, especially in former use, synonymous with college: see college n. 4 c.
c1300St. Edmund in S. Eng. Leg. I. 438/256 So þat he bigan at Oxenford of diuinite, So noble alosed þer nas non in al þe vniuersite.Ibid. 439/278 He bigan so deope desputi of þe trinite, Þat gret wonder me hadde þurf al þe vniuersite.c1384? Wyclif Wks. (1880) 157 Heþene mennus lawis and worldly clerkis statutis ben red in vnyuersitees.c1400Rom. Rose 6769 At Parys..he had..The accorde of the vniuersite, And of the puple as semeth me.c1425–[see college n. 4].c1450Godstow Reg. 438 The house..that Robert of Staunton held of the vnyuersite of Oxenford.1509Fisher Funeral Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 301 The studyentes of bothe the vnyuersytees.1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Fam. Love 40 They labour to put out the eyes of this land (the Vniuersityes I meane).1644Milton Educ. 3 This place should be at once both School and University.1661Lamplugh in Extr. St. Papers Friends Ser. ii. (1911) 126 University, Town and Country are far more active and vigilant then before.1702Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) V. 145 A patent..for founding an university.., to be called king Williams university.1725Bailey Erasm. Colloq. (1733) 259 Are you going to Louvain to see the University?1785J. Adams Wks. (1854) IX. 530 He is anxious to study some time at your university [= Harvard College] before he begins the study of law.1840Carlyle Heroes v. (1858) 305 Universities are a notable, respectable product of the modern ages.1856Stanley Sinai & Pal. x. 364 The great Jewish university which rendered Tiberias for three centuries the metropolis of the race.1868M. Pattison Academ. Org. 46 The university of the chancellor, masters, and scholars, is one corporation, and each of the colleges distinct and independent societies.1959Listener 22 Jan. 153/2 Is the son of a miner working-class, suppose he has gone to university.Ibid. 5 Mar. 405/2 At school or at university.1968New Society 22 Aug. 266/2 ‘He's at university’ (very widely used) is certainly non-U.
b. fig. and transf. Also in phr. the university of life, the experiences of life, considered as a means of instruction. Cf. the school of hard knocks s.v. school n.1 4 b.
1595Locrine iii. iii, I think you were broght vp in the vniuersitie of bridewell; you haue your rhetorick so ready at your toongs end.1607Hieron Wks. I. 386 To be admitted into that great vniuersitie, where He, which is the doctour of the chaire, Christ Iesus, will [etc.].1615(title), A Catalogue or Table of all the Arts and Sciences read and taught in this University of London.1652Benlowes Theoph. ii. xiii, Man,..by infusion wise;..Chanc'llor install'd of Eden's University.c1852J. Gibson in Biog. (1911) iii. 28 He looked upon Rome as the great University of Sculpture.1863M. E. Braddon Aurora Floyd xxxi, In the London universities of crime.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 215 None of these young gentlemen was absolutely necessary at that ovine university [= a sheep-station.]1959A. Glyn I can take it All i. 12 A revolting cliché like ‘educated in the University of Life’.1972[see life n. 12 d].1978P. Hill Enthusiast iii. 25 Bob..had the chance to educate him in the real world of people, in the university of life.
c. University of the Air: (a) Aeronaut. (see quot. 1931); (b) an organization which provides a course of (higher) education partly through radio and television broadcasts; spec. an early name for the Open University (see open a. 22 c).
1931Civil & Milit. Gazette (Lahore) 4 Nov. 2/3 To meet the demand for trained and competent personnel..the College of Aeronautical Engineering has been formed—the University of the Air.1959Twentieth Cent. Nov. 369 Any government that was determined could give us a University of the Air tomorrow.1963Glasgow Herald 9 Sept. 1/1 Mr Wilson..suggested the broadcasting time for the ‘university of the air’ could be obtained by allocation of the fourth television channel... There could also be appropriate radio facilities.1969Radio Times 27 Nov. 12 Originally named ‘the University of the Air’, the Open University offers an exciting new opportunity for adults throughout the country to study for degree qualifications through the media of integrated television, radio and specially-designed correspondence courses.1984Listener 10 May 7/2 When the idea of a university of the air was first floated, sceptics abounded.
a. The whole body, aggregate, or number of creatures, persons, things, etc.; = universality 5.
1382Wyclif Tobit viii. 19 That the vnyuersite of Jentilis knowe, for thou art God alone in al erthe.1402Quixley in Yorksh. Archæol. Jrnl. (1908) XX. 50 To all þe worldes vniversitie This balade be ensample and myrrour.c1449Pecock Repr. ii. xvi. 243 In al the hool vnyuersite of thingis and of beingis.1494Hylton's Scala Perf. ii. xlvi. (W. de W.), Al thise gracyous knowynges felid in a soule of the vnyuersitee of al creatures.c1510More Picus Wks. 18/2 If any part of the whole vniuersitye of creatures were destroyed.1563J. Man Musculus' Commonpl. 29 b, All that compasse of the whole universitie of thinges and times.1581W. Fulke in Confer. iii. (1584) O iv b, The vniuersitie of faithfull doeth pray.1604T. Wright Passions vi. 304 The vniversity of Beastes, foules, and fish.1659H. Thorndike Wks. (1846) II. 483 If in all Scripture..a Church signify the university of Christians.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iv. 180 The Communitie or Universitie of the Multitude. [1862G. Long tr. Th. M. Aurelius Anton. p. lxxvi, The gods will do whatever is best and consistent with the university of things.]
fig.1382Wyclif Jas. iii. 6 Oure tunge is fijr, the vniuersite of wickidnesse [L. universitas iniquitatis].1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 76 b, Y⊇ tonge is but a small thynge,..but it is (sayth the sayd apostle) the vniuersite of all euyls.
b. Without const. The whole of something; all things, etc.; universal nature. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. v. pr. iv. (1868) 165 Þe eye of intelligence is heyȝer for it sourmounteþ þe envirounynge of þe vniuersite and lookeþ ouer þat by pure subtilite of þouȝt.1382Wyclif 2 Macc. xiv. 35 Thou, Lord of vnyuersitee, or of alle creatures.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love. i. ix. (Skeat) l. 46 Man is mad of al the foure elementes. Al universitee is rekened in him alone.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 205 For God knowethe how euery thynge awe to be create, and how he scholde dispose the pulcritude of the vniversite in hit.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) i. iv. D iij, By the nombre of seuen..vnyuersyte to vs is sygnyfyed.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 314 Where ever they live, they may finde a god the governor and father of all university.
c. The universe; = universality 5 b. Obs.
1494Hylton's Scala Perf. ii. xlvi. (W. de W.), Our lorde Jhesu maker & keper of al this fayr vnyuersitee.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. i. (1641) 5/1 In Six dayes [God] formed..All things contain'd in th' Universitie.1598T. Bastard Chrestoleros (1880) 6 Man is a little world and beares the face And picture of the Vniuersitie.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. x. §1 (1622) 299 This Vnity: which they make the onely cause of the whole vniuersity.1642H. More Song of Soul i. ii. 13 Physis is the great womb From whence all things in th' University Yclad in divers forms do gaily bloom.
d. The whole people; = universality 5 c.
1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iii. i. v. 181 That the first invention..of Laws may be committed to prudent men; and yet the..confirmation of them appertain to the universitie or common multitude.
e. Law. (See quot. 1832.)
1832Austin Jurisprudence ii. p. xli, Such universities of rights and duties (or such complex aggregates of rights and duties) as arise by universal succession.1861Maine Anc. Law 178 Without this fact there is no university of rights and duties.
3. your university, the collective whole of the members of a body, group, or company of persons specifically addressed in some formal or official document. Also pl. in Sc. use. Obs.
Chiefly in renderings of the common phrase Noverit universitas vestra.
c1400Brut cli. 163 To alle Cristen peple..Iohn, by the grace of God, kyng of Engeland, gretyng to ȝour vniuersite.1416Munim. de Melros (Bann. Cl.) 539 Wit yhoure vniuersite þat [etc.].1500Cartular. St. Nicholai Aberdon. (New Spald. Cl.) I. 76 Till all ande sindry.., gretinge in gode euirlesting. Ȝoure vniuersiteis sall wit ws..till hafe consentit [etc.].1543Test. Ebor. (Surtees) VI. 161 Knowe your universitie, that I..do make my last will of certayne my landes.c1596in Abstr. Protocols Town Clerks of Glasgow (1897) V. Pref. 16 To all and sindry..gretyng... Wittis your universiteis that [etc.].
a. A body or company of persons associated together for some purpose. Obs.—1
1471Caxton Recuyell (Sommer) 617 Hit is leeffful þ[a]t an vnyuersite answere not alway to one maister.
b. A body or class of persons regarded collectively; esp. an aggregate of persons forming a corporate body or society, a corporation. Obs.
1607Cowell Interpr., Vniversitie, is by the Ciuill lawe any bodie politicke, or corporation.1643Prynne Sov. Power Parl. App. 159 Although kings doe die, the people in the mean time (as niether any other Universitie) never dyeth.1678Sir G. Mackenzie Crim. Laws Scot. i. i. §7 (1699) 11 A collective Body of People, or university, such as a Burgh or Incorporation. [1755N. Magens Insurances II. 40 The Prior and Consuls..of the University of the Shippers and Merchants..of this City of Seville.1776A. Smith W.N. i. x. I. 148 All such incorporations [of trades] were antiently called universities.Ibid., The university of smiths, the university of tailors, &c.1843Penny Cycl. XXVI. 22/2 The universities or corporate bodies at Rome.]
5. Extension to the whole (of something); = Universality 1. Obs. rare.
1553R. Ascham in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 18 My trust is ye will not judge me unconstant, for this universitie in choice of my living.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iii. ii. iv. 270 Al perfection importes some kind of universitie.Ibid. 271 Now God having the whole of essence in himself must necessarily have an universitie of perfection.
III. attrib. and Comb. (in sense 1).
6. a. Simple attrib., passing into adj. use (rarely with hyphen): Of, pertaining or belonging to, characteristic of, prevailing or obtained at, a university or universities, as university campus, university course, university court, university education, university entrance, university grant, university learning, university lecture, university library, university oath, university town, etc.; university-level adj.
1379Rolls of Parlt. III. 69/1 Son College appellez Mokel Universite Hall en Oxenford.1589R. Harvey Pl. Perc. (1590) 17 He will..praise him, that he is not infected with..Vniuersitie learning.16022nd Pt. Return Parnass. iv. v. 1806 Few of the university pen plaies well.1606Dekker News fr. Hell F 3 b, Ibis Homere, that hath laine sick seuenteen yeers together of the Vniuersitie plague, (watching and want).1623W. L'Isle Sax. Treat. conc. Old & New Test. f. e 3, I meane ere long to let the world know what is more remaining; as more I have seene both in our Universitie Libraries, and that of Sir Robert Cotton.a1628F. Grevil Sidney (1652) 199 Lest..she might be constrained to..labour the compassing of disorderly ends, by a Mechanicall kinde of University Canvasse.a1700Evelyn Diary 5 Mar. 1673, University lectures and erudition.1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. i. iii. (1710) 302 [The] University Library [Cambridge].1721Swift Let. to Young Gentleman 26 You cannot but have already observed, what a violent Run there is among too many weak People against University Education.1726R. Newton (title), University Education; or, an Explication and Amendment of the Statute which [etc.].1783Encycl. Brit. (ed. 2) X. 8753/2 The jurisdiction of the university-courts in criminal matters.1823J. S. Mill in Morning Chron. 8 Feb. 3/1 The violation of the University oath, in every case where its observance interferes in the slightest degree with the convenience of the swearer, is a complete proof that the ceremony of swearing affords no security whatever for veracity in any other case.1857C. M. Yonge Dynevor Terrace I. v. 68 Fitzjocelyn was twenty-one, and had nearly finished his university education.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 140 Students enter upon the university course with a certain preparation.1871J. Place (title), University Tests, and their Abolition, Considered in a Letter [etc.].1872O. W. Holmes Poet at Breakfast-Table 23 The soil of the University town is divided into patches of sandy and of clayey ground.1895Rashdall Univ. of Europe II. ii. 325 Another essential qualification for a University town..is facility of access.1919Treasury Minute 14 July in Rep. University Grants Comm. 2 in Parl. Papers (1921) XI. 362 The Chancellor of the Exchequer states..that he proposes to appoint a Standing Committee..to enquire into the financial needs of University Education... He proposes that the Committee should be known as ‘The University Grants Committee’.1939University campus [see campus].1957Encycl. Brit. VIII. 941/2 The relationship between the G.C.E. and university entrance qualifications had in the early 1950s reached only a temporary definition.1962E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) xxx. 226 Among full⁓term university-level students 283,000 were engineers.1974N. Freeling Dressing of Diamond 149 A university education served this much purpose..that emotional problems always got placed at the level of intellectual argument.1982H. R. Lane tr. M. Vargas Llosa's Aunt Julia & Scriptwriter xv. 266, I had a sudden inspiration and headed..for the university campus.1982‘J. Ross’ Death's Head xiii. 75 Mrs Knostig's work is financed by a university grant.1983Chron. Higher Educ. 19 Oct. 1 More and more university libraries are charging fees for interlibrary loans.
b. That is (or has been) a member of a university; educated or studying at a university, as university chum, university man, university student, etc.
1580Spenser Three Proper Lett. Wks. (1912) 619/1 Some learned, and well aduized Uniuersitie man.1641R. Brooke Eng. Episc. ii. vii. 111 They thinke the wayes of Gods Spirit are free, and not tied to a University man.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Servitour,..a poor University-Scholar that attends others for his Maintenance.1755Man No. 13. 4 An university chum of mine.1868M. Pattison Academ. Org. 2 Even University men themselves betray..an impression that something should be done.1914G. B. Shaw Misalliance p. lxv, An office boy of fifteen is often more of a man than a university student of twenty.1981A. Edwards Sonya iii. 45 Putting his school in the hands of a young university student who had become his assistant.
c. With the names of officials, etc., attached to or connected with a university, as university auditor, university don, university lecturer, university librarian, university orator (see orator 5), university preacher, university professor, university register, university staff, university teacher, etc.
1589Nashe in Greene Menaphon (1610) A iv b, That royall erection of Trinitie Colledge, which the Vniuersity Orator..aptly termed Colonia deducta.1614J. Chamberlain in Crt. & Times Jas. I (1848) I. 305 The University Orator, Nethersole,..is taxed for calling the prince Jacobissime Carole.1631Milton (title), On the University Carrier who sicken'd in the time of his vacancy.a1700Evelyn Diary 10 July 1669, The Terræ filius (the Universitie Buffoone).1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. i. iii. (1710) 298 The Custos Archivorum, or University-Register.1800Cambr. Univ. Cal. 6 University Officers [include] Chancellor,..High Steward,..Vice-Chancellor [etc.].1882Addenda Corpus Stat. Univ. Oxon. 882/2 The University Auditor appointed under the provisions of the Statute.1893Glasgow Univ. Calendar 19 Lecturers, Demonstrators, or University Assistants.1907G. B. Shaw Major Barbara ii. 236 This love of the common people may please an earl's granddaughter and a university professor.Ibid. iii. 277 How can you succeed in business when you are willing to pay all that money to a University don who is obviously not worth a junior clerk's wages!1948M. Laski Tory Heaven iv. 54 The White Paper analysing the origins and opinions of University staffs appalled the whole nation.1954M. Beresford Lost Villages viii. 266, I went north in April 1948 to become a University teacher.1971Halsey & Trow Brit. Academics xv. 413 We see the results in their university teacher children.1977Times 19 Sept. 3/4, 10,000 more students..with a reduction in the unit cost per student..is effectively increasing university dons' teaching loads.1977M. Kenyon Rapist iv. 42 Miss Hitchcock, a university professor, arrived in Ireland only yesterday.
d. With past or pres. pples., chiefly in locative combs., as university-bred, university-educated, university-taught, university-trained; university-going adjs.; also with vbl. ns., as university teaching.
1846Ld. Campbell Chancellors cxxi. (1857) VI. 2 The common-place progress of a high-born, university-bred barrister.1879J. C. Morison Gibbon 11 The two greatest historians..were not university-bred men.1898Edin. Rev. Jan. 121 The university-going class among the Roman Catholic community.1923R. Macaulay Told by Idiot i. 44 No creature was ever more solemn, more earnest,..than the university-educated young female of the eighties.1962C. Barber in F. Behre Contrib. Eng. Syntax 21 Those countries where a great deal of university-teaching is carried out in English.1981J. Halkin Fatal Odds iii. 49 Well-heeled families, university-educated.
7. Special combs., as university cap, the academical cap worn by the members of a university, a square cap or ‘mortar-board’; university chair, the chair or office of a university professor; University Chest, at Oxford and Cambridge, the funds of the university, or the office which receives and administers these; university college = college n. 4 d, spec. one which is not or was not empowered to grant degrees (see also quot. 1981); university extension: (see extension 9 g); university member, a member of the House of Commons representing a university or a group of universities (university seats were abolished in Britain in 1948); university sermon, a sermon preached before the members of a university, usually by a specially nominated or appointed person.
1772Nugent Hist. Fr. Gerund I. 73 Heads stuck in *university-caps.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iii. x, They sometimes invert the hat, and wear it brim uppermost, like a University-cap.1883N. & Q. 15 Dec. 469/1 The University or ‘Trencher’ Cap.
1711Shaftesbury Charac. III. 287 He finds these Subjects..appropriated to the School, the *University-Chair, or Pulpit.
1717E. Miller Acc. Univ. Camb. 177 Neither the Vice-chancellor.., or the *University Chest, get one Farthing of Money by it.1870Addenda Corpus Stat. Univ. Oxon. ii. 800 The Curators of the University Chest.
1838, etc. *University college [see college n. 4 d].1954Times 1 July 9/6 University College of North Staffordshire..is the only university college empowered to grant degrees.1981D. Rowntree Dict. Educ. 335 University colleges. 1. The name formerly given to the UK civic universities which, when first set up, did not have the power to grant their own degrees and usually granted those of London University instead. The last such (Leicester) became autonomous in 1957. 2. In addition, Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and London each has a college named University College, and it is also the name of the independent university at Buckingham.
1867Hansard Commons 18 June 29, I share the opinion of my hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, that we are already overstocked with *University Members.1949A. P. Herbert in Punch 27 Apr. 453/3 Mr. Haddock, by the way, complains rather bitterly that the University Members are being flung out of Parliament in the sacred name of ‘One-Man-One-Vote’.1979J. Adam Smith John Buchan & his World 80 Buchan was delighted, especially because a university member could sit fairly loose to party.
1827Oxford Guide 56 In the Long Vacation there are no *University sermons.
Hence uniˈversity v., to provide or endow with a university; uniˈversityless a., having no university; uniˈversityship, the state or condition of being a university; status as a university.
1682Loyal Satirist in Somers Tracts (1812) VII. 69 Pembroke may be visited, and Manchester *universitied.
1655Fuller Hist. Camb. 21 As for Scotland, it was *University⁓less till [etc.].
Ibid. 35 The *University-ship of Cambridge, is to be accounted from her original constitution.

University of the Third Age n. orig. Brit. an organization providing courses of (higher) education designed for retired or older people; cf. third age n. at third adj. and n. Additions.
1981Cambr. Evening News 8 July 17/1 Dr Nicholas Coni, one of the leading lights behind a proposal to try to launch a University of the Third Age in Cambridge.1985New Age Summer 5/1 A research report on the image of elderly people on television has been published by the University of the Third Age in Cambridge.2005Canberra Times (Nexis) 20 July a22 In later years in Canberra, he was involved in teaching at the University of the Third Age.




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