

单词 unfructuous
释义 unˈfructuous, a.
[un-1 7 and 5 b.]
1. Producing no fruit; unfruitful. Obs.
1382Wyclif Exod. xxiii. 26 Ne thi loond shal be vnfructuous, ne bareyn.Job xxiv. 20 Be he not in recording, but be to-trede as a tree vnfructuous.c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton, 1483) iv. ii. 58 The trees..were bycomen wylde and vnfructuous.
2. fig. = unfruitful a. 2. Now rare.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 29 My mouþ..þat bifore was filid þoru unfructuouse jangelingis.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 258 Ryot and dronkenesse, Unfructuous talkyng, intemperat diete.c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. ii. 65 Speke..þou, my lorde god, euerlastyng trouþe; lest I dye & be made unfructuouse.1513Douglas æneid iv. Prol. 19 Ȝour frute is bot vnfructuus fantasy.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 135 Be ȝe nocht partakers of the vnfruictuous warkis of wickitnes.1828Scott Jrnl. 27 Feb., We had a final and totally unfructuous meeting.1904R. Bridges Demeter iii. 954 Unfructuous night Stifles her essence in her truthless heart.
Hence unˈfructuously adv.
1827Scott Jrnl. 6 May, Wrought again at Hoffmann—unfructuously I fear.




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