

单词 unframe
释义 I. unˈframe, n.
see un-1 3.
II. unˈframe, v.
[un-2 3.]
1. trans. To distress, trouble. Obs.—1
c1250Gen. & Ex. 1213 Wintres forð-wexen on ysaac, And ysmael was him vn-swac; Often it gan ysaac un-framen.
2. To take to pieces; to destroy. Also fig.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. V, 46 All the bridges wer by his enemies broken and unframed.1603J. Davies (Heref.) Microcosmos Wks. (Grosart) I. 83/2 The Pynns, the Tenons, Beams, Bolts,..All which they marke when they doe it vnframe.1621Sanderson Serm. I. 179 The curse of God..gnaweth asunder the pins and the joynts of the building, till it have unframed it, and resolved it into a ruinous heap.a1716South Serm. (1744) VIII. v. 129 Sin has unframed the fabrick of the whole man.
b. To undo. Obs.
1567Turberv. Epit., etc. 82 b, Those two agreed with common voyce my bondage to vnframe.
3. To dislocate; to throw into confusion or disorder, to distract.
1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1584) 109 You are much offended by manie slaunderers that deprave your doings, and unframe your attempts.1603J. Davies (Heref.) Microcosmos Wks. (Grosart) I. 55/1 Disastrous Richard second of that name,..Who did the forme of this State quite vnframe.1668Owen Mortif. Sin ii. (ed. 3) 14 It unframes our Spirit; and thence is called the sin that so easily besets us.1727[Dorrington] Philip Quarll 87 This unexpected but lucky Adventure, like a sudden Surprize, unfram'd his Reason.




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