

单词 habilitate
释义 I. haˈbilitate, ppl. a. Obs.
[ad. med.L. habilitāt-us, pa. pple. of habilitā-re: see next.]
Endowed with ability; rendered able; capacitated, qualified.
1622Bacon Hen. VII, 12 Not legall, nor habilitate to serue in Parliament.
II. habilitate, v.|həˈbɪlɪteɪt|
Also abilitate.
[f. L. habilitāt- ppl. stem of habilitāre to make fit, enable, f. habilitās, aptitude, ability.]
1. trans. To endow with ability or capacity; to capacitate, qualify. Obs.
1604T. Wright Passions vi. 322 The internall gifts of God..fortifie vs against vice, and habilitate exceedingly to vertue.1678Marvell Def. Howe Wks. 1875 IV. 187 A superadded influence, which may habilitate them for action.1819Southey Hist. Brazil III. xl. 527 Till a second order from the King should habilitate them so to do.
b. To furnish with means, esp. for the working of a mine. [After Sp. habilitar.]
1824Ann. Reg. 212* He then proposed, not to habilitate the mine in the usual way, but to lend money to the miner, that he himself might pay the workmen.
2. intr. for refl. To qualify oneself for office; spec. to qualify as teacher in a German University. [After Ger. habilitiren.]
1881Contemp. Rev. June 925 He meant to habilitate as a privat-docent when he returned.1882–3Schaff Encycl. Relig. Knowl. II. 1612 In 1811 he habilitated at Heidelberg with the dissertation, ‘De fidei..idea’.
3. trans. To clothe, dress, habit. rare.
1885Longm. Mag. Dec. 197 Species variously habilitated in artistic patterns.1888R. Dowling Miracle Gold II. xxiii. 183 Devils..habilitated in flesh for evil purposes.
Hence haˈbilitator [after Sp. habilitador], in western U.S. one who habilitates a mine, or furnishes capital for its working under contract with the proprietors.
1889in Cent. Dict.




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