

单词 haberdine
释义 haberdine Obs.|ˈhæbədiːn, -dɪn|
Forms: 4–6 haburden(ne, 5–7 haberdyne, 6 haberden, -dyn, 6–7 habberdine, haberdin, haberdeen, 7–8 habberdin, -dyn, 6– 9 haberdine, 9 haberdden.
[The same word as MDu. abberdaen (Du. abberdaan), var. of labberdaen, supposed by De Vries to be derived from the name of a Basque district, the tractus Lapurdanus, F. le Labourd, or from Lapurdum ancient name of Bayonne; the Basques having been the first to engage in the cod-fishery. The loss of l- points to the passing of the word through French: Godef. has Labordean 1577; Cotgr. has abordean, habordean, labordean; but earlier evidence for the word in Fr. is wanting.]
The name of a large sort of cod, used esp. for salting; salt or sun-dried cod.
It was sometimes formerly considered a different species from the common cod and classified as Asellus Islandicus.
1300Wardr. Acc. Edw. I (1787) 118 In vendicione diversis per diversa precia 5496 stokf[ish] et Aberden'. [1370in Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xxiv. 616 In 1370, 140 haburdenne are bought at 1s. each.]1496Naval Accounts Hen. VII (1896) 166 Ffyssh, cc haberdyne at xxxiijs iiijd the hundred--lxvjs viijd.1530in Rymer Foedera (1710) XIV. 375 Cod and Haberden Eight Hundred.1538Fitzherb. Just. Peas 156 Fyshers that actually labour to take Lyng Haberdine Lobfyshe.1573Tusser Husb. xxiii. (1878) 63 Broome fagot is best to drie haberden on.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. i. i. (1651) 68 Indurate Fish as Ling..Red-herrings..Haberdine.1655Moufet & Bennet Health's Improv. (1746) 230 Our Blood is..corrupted with filthy Fish..salt Herrings, red Herrings, Sprats, Haberdin.1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. i. iii. ii. (1743) 154 Cod fish, Haberdine, Ling &c. have 124 to the c. [1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Haberdden, cod or stock fish dried and cured on board: that cured at Aberdeen was the best.]
b. More fully haberdine-fish.
1573–80Baret Alv. F 578 Habberdine fish, Asellus salitus.1771Pennant Tour Scot. (1790) 138 Dried cod fish, at that period known by the name of Habberdyn fish.




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