

单词 groof
释义 I. groof, grufe, n. and adv. Obs. exc. Sc.|gruːf|
Forms: 4–5 gruf(f, 5–8 grouf(e, 8–9 groof, 5 gruffe, grouff(e, groffe, 5, 7 growffe, 6 growf(e, 6, 9 grufe; also with prefixed prep. 5 ogrufe, 7 a-groufe, agruif, 8 a grouf.
[a. ON. grúfa, in phr. á grúfu (in sense 1) = Sw. dial. å gruve; the occurrence of f instead of the normal v is unexplained. Cf. groveling.]
1. In phr. on grufe (rarely on the grufe), later agrufe, a-gruif: face downwards, in a prone position, grovelling. Sc. and north.
c1375Sc. Troy-bk. ii. 786 He ley before þe gret altere One gruff.a1400Morte Arth. 3850 Than Gawayne gyrde to þe gome, and one þe groffe fallis.Ibid. 3869 Qwat gome was he..that es one growffe fallyne?c1470Henry Wallace xi. 574 In angwyss greiff, on grouff so turned he.1483Cath. Angl. 259/1 Ogrufe, supinvs.1500–20Dunbar Poems xi. 13 Ly all on grufe, befoir that hich grand Roy.1513Douglas æneis xi. iv. 24 He ruschis..And fell on grouf abuf deid Pallas beyr.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. 33258 Sum on groufe la granand on the grene.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 460 Then [he] lay a-groufe upon his face, begins to poure out his heart to God.1638H. Adamson Muses' Threnodie (1774) 112 And some lay swelting in the slykie sand: Agruif lay some, others with eyes to skyes.a1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) III. 574 During the time of which prayer the Erle of Morton lay on growffe upon his face.1719Ramsay Fam. Ep. Answ. ii. 20 Swith to Castalius' fountain-brink, Dad down a grouf, and take a drink.
2. on one's grufe: = sense 1. Sc.
1788E. Picken Poems 127 Doun on their groof lay five or sax.1826J. Wilson Noct. Ambr. Wks. 1855 I. 293 Layin mysel doun a' my length on my grufe and elbow.1887J. Service Life & Recoll. Dr. Duguid 245 Streekit on my grufe below some rowan tree.
3. as adv. (or pred. adj.) On the face, on the belly; prone. (Cf. Sw. dial. ligga gruve.)
c1374Chaucer Troylus iv. 884 (912) She on here armes two Fil gruf, and gan to wepe pitously.c1400Rom. Rose 2561 Now dounward groffe, and now upright.c1430Lydg. Compl. Bl. Knt. xxiv, He thus lay in lamentacioun Gruffe on the grounde.c1460Emare 656 She was aferde of the See, And layde her gruf upon a tre.1567Turberv. Ovid's Ep. 70 b, With toren tresse and lying groufe Upon my face.
II. groof
obs. form of groove, gruff.




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