

单词 uncovered
释义 unˈcovered, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not roofed or closed in overhead; not sheltered by a roof.
c1400Destr. Troy 11667 The walles were wroght to þe wale rofe, All clanly by course vncouert aboue.1563Golding Cæsar vii. (1565) 192 Bycause they saw the penthouses of our turrettes burned downe, and that oure men could not with ease go vncouered to saue them.1587Southampton Court Leet Rec. (1906) ii. 255 The wollon hawle is vncovered and decayed which wee desier maye be amended.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa iii. 125 The middle part of the house is alwaies open or uncouered.1697Dryden æneis ii. 700 Uncovered but by heaven, there stood in view An altar.
2. Not covered by clothing; bare, naked.
c1400T. Chestre Launfal 291 For hete her clothes down sche dede, Almest to her gerdyl stede, Than lay sche un⁓covert.1535Coverdale Gen. ix. 21 Noe..was dronken, and laye vncouered in his tente.1560Bible (Genev.) Isaiah xx. 4 Bothe yong men and olde men,..with their buttockes vncouered.1605Shakes. Lear iii. iv. 106 Thou wert better in a Graue, then to answere with thy vncouer'd body, this extremitie of the Skies.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. ii. (1842) 54 It is requisite that the bottle should not be handled by uncovered hands.1851Longfellow Gold. Leg. v. At Foot of Alps, A band of pilgrims, moving slowly On their long journey, with uncovered feet.
b. Not wearing a hat; bareheaded.
1570in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford (1880) 331 Every man..spekeyng within the same Counsell howse, shall stand upp bare headed or uncovered.1593Shakes. 2 Hen. VI, iv. i. 128 Rather let my head..dance vpon a bloody pole, Then stand vncouer'd to the Vulgar Groome.1611Bible 1 Cor. xi. 13 It is comely that a woman pray vnto God vncouered?a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 242 The French Divines preach with their hats on, ours uncovered.1710Addison Tatler No. 253 ⁋3 The Censor, who continued hitherto un⁓covered, put on his hat with great dignity.1831Scott Ct. Rob. ix, Sitting stationary..when so many noble knights..stand uncovered around.1884Manch. Exam. 26 Nov. 5/1 The members of the House of Commons stand uncovered, the peers sit and wear their hats.
c. Of women: Unveiled.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. viii. 8 b, The wiues of the Turkes..are not seene goe vncouered.
3. Having no covering; left open or exposed; not covered by or with (also of) something.
1530Palsgr. 840/1 Oncovered, a descouuert.1563T. Hill Art Garden. (1593) 12 They wil also that those furrowes so lie all the winter open and vncouered.1638Mayne Lucian (1664) 24 Let's finde out some eminent place, un⁓covered with Snow, where we may the firmelier chain him.1650Earl of Monmouth tr. Senault's Man bec. Guilty 368 Whilst any mountains were yet uncovered with water, the remainders of man-kind were fixed there.1692Ray Disc. ii. (1693) 65 He sent forth Birds, that he might try whether they could espy any Land uncovered of Water.1793Cowper A Tale 17 The heaths uncover'd, and the moors, Except with snow.1807Wordsw. White Doe vi. 144 One of the Norton Tenantry Espied the uncovered Corse.1819Scott Ivanhoe iii, The board was uncovered by a cloth.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. iv. (1842) 93 The sand being cleared off..leaves the metal uncovered.1875W. S. Hayward Love agst. World i, The polished oak flooring, uncovered by carpet.
b. Not furnished with the usual covering.
1565in Hay Fleming Reform. Scotl. (1910) 610 Item, in the lauche chalmer, four stullis oncoverit.1907E. Glyn 3 Weeks xiv, The bed unmade and piled with uncovered hotel pillows.
4. Not having a cover laid for meals. Obs.
1494in Househ. Ord. (1790) 116 For all manner of estates that are to bee uncovered.
5. Not protected or screened by another or others. (See cover v.1 8 and 12.)
a1795Philidor Studies of Chess (1817) 98 It would be scarcely possible to prevent the uncovered king..from doubling on the same line.1832Prop. Reg. Instr. Cavalry ii. 17 If the numbers are uneven, the last man but one..must remain uncovered.
6. Not covered by insurance.
1892Pall Mall G. 22 Aug. 2/1 The building only was insured, and all the furnishings were uncovered.
Hence unˈcoveredly adv.
1683E. Hooker Pref. Pordage's Mystic Div. 67 Where, unclothedly, uncoveredly, nakedly,..Hee stood.




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