

单词 unconable
释义 unˈconable, a. Obs.
[un-1 7 b.]
Improper, unbefitting.
a1340Hampole Psalter lxxii. 9 Þair bostus speche, sua vncunable was, þat it passed in[to] þe earth.Ibid., Cant. Marie 1 Þat soul worshippys god, þe whilk..vnkonnabil beryng heghis not.c1440Jacob's Well 294 Vnconable ioye of ony wordly vanyte.
Hence unˈconableness; -ablety; -ably adv.
a1340Hampole Psalter xxxviii. 1 Þe haly man..thynkis..to be still, þat he say nathynge vnconabilly.Ibid. lxxii. 14 If god war nought wytand al things, or punyscht not synne, þere vnconabiltes folouid.Ibid. cv. 31 Moyses wes for þe mykil vnconabilnes of þe folk lettid in thoght.




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