

单词 gnast
释义 I. gnast, n. Obs.
Also 5 gnaste.
[OE. -gnást (in fýr-gnást) str. masc., spark, cognate with OHG. gneista wk. fem., gneisto wk. masc., also ganeheista (MHG. ganeist(e, gneist(e), ON. gneiste wk. masc. The OHG. ganeheista suggests formation from OTeut. *ga- + ana prep. (= on) + *hait (see hot); some scholars refer the word to the Teut. root *aiđ- to burn (as in OE. ád funeral pyre).]
A spark; the snuff of a candle.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 81 Þe oðer [brond] is aquenched al buten a gnast.1382Wyclif Isa. xxix. 5 And shal be..as a gnast thurgh passende, the multitude of hem that aȝen thee hadden maistri.1412–20Lydg. Troy-bk. i. iv. (1513) B ij, And as a gnast firste of lytell hate Encauseth flawme of contek and debate.c1440Promp. Parv. 277/2 Knast, or gnaste of a kandel (K. knast of candelle), emunctura.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 592/31 Lichinus, gnast of candele.
II. gnast, v. Obs.
Forms: 3–6 gnaist(e, gnayste, 4–6 gnaste, 3–6 gnast.
[The early form gnaiste would seem to point to adoption of an ON. *gneista, an ablaut-var. of gnísta to gnash the teeth. ON. had also gnastan, gnastran (beside gnístan, gnístran) gnashing of teeth, and a str. vb. gnesta to crack, clatter. The ultimate origin is prob. onomatopœic, which may account for the anomalous variation in the root-vowel.]
1. intr. = gnash v. 1.
a1300Cursor M. 19434 Þai bigan to gnast with toth.a1300E.E. Psalter ii. 1 (Horstm.) Wharfore gnaisted gomes swo.1340Hampole Ps. xxxiv. 19 Þai gnaystid on me wiþ þaire tethe.1382Wyclif Isa. v. 29 He shal gnasten [L. frendet], and holden the prei.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 1756 This hors..gnaisting and neeing hym vndere his fete he keste.1470–85Malory Arthur vi. xv, All tho greued and gnasted at syre launcelot.1508Fisher 7 Penit. Ps. vi. Wks. (1876) 22 They gnaste with theyr tethe.1530Palsgr. 569/1, I gnast with the tethe. I make a noyse by reason I thruste one tothe upon another.
2. trans. = gnash v. 2.
a1300Cursor M. 19354 Þen be-gan þai for tene þair tethe to gnast.a1300E.E. Psalter cxi[i]. 10 (Horstm.) Sinful sal se..And gnaiste his tethe he sal with-al.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 301 Good son þy tethe be not pikynge, grisynge, ne gnastynge.
Hence ˈgnaster, one who gnashes.
c1440Promp. Parv. 200/2 Gnastere,..fremitor.




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