

单词 umquhile
释义 umquhile, umwhile, adv. and a. Now only arch.|ˈʌmhwaɪl|
Forms: α. 2 um-wile, 4–5, 7–9 umwhile (4 homwill), 4, 6 umwhyle. β. north. 4–5 umquile (umquil, 4 umquille), vmqwhyle; Sc. 5 umqwhile (9 umquwhile), 5– umquhile (5–6 wmquhile), 5–7 umquhyle (5 wmquhyle, vm-, wmqwhyle); 5 umquhil, 5–7 umquhill (wm-; 7 wmquill).
[Representing OE. ymb hwíle (see umbewhile adv.), with substitution of um- for ymb-. In later use specifically Scottish, whence the usual spelling with -quh-.]
A. adv.
1. At times; sometimes. Obs.
α1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1137, Hi læiden gæildes on the tunes æure um wile & clepeden it tenserie.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 2780 Fallace ys, as who seye, ‘gyle’, As many one sweryn vmwhyle.c1330Chron. Wace (Rolls) 1415 Vmwhile west, vmwhile est, þer schipes driuen in many tempest.a1340Hampole Psalter cxli. 6, I fled noght fra tribulacioun in saule, thof i fled vmwhile in body.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 345 Þere was laughyng and louryng..And seten so til euensonge and songen vmwhile.a1529Skelton Agst. Garnesche ii. 11 Ye countyr vmwhyle to capcyously, and ar ye be dysiryd.
βa1300Cursor M. 4319 Sua þou mai þe driue to ded, To ded vmquil, and to langur.Ibid. 10323 Þof godd vmquil be funden still.1375Barbour Bruce iii. 262 To stand agayne thar fayis mycht, Wmquhile with strenth, & quhile with slycht.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) vi. 20 Ay when him list, he gase to visit þam, and vmqwhyle ledes þam aboute with him.a1500Ratis Raving i. 1448 And eild..Wmquhill is twrnyt with inwy, And wmquhill led with lichory.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) III. 525 That all this warld hes bene full of variance; Vmquhill in plesure and prosperitie, Vmquhill in pane and greit penuritie.a1568in Bannatyne MS. (Hunterian Cl.) 633 Vmquhile I syche and vmquhile I sing... Vmquhill I lawche and quhill I weip and wring.
2. At one time; at some previous time; formerly. Obs. exc. arch.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints iii. (Andrew) 863 Ane bischope vmquhile, I herd say..Sancte Andrew in affecione Had ay.a1400–50Alexander 23 Oute in þe erth of Egipt enhabet vmquile Þe wysest wees of the werd.Ibid. 3079 (Dubl. MS.), Nowe am I kest vnder, Þat had of the Orient all ouer homage vmwhile.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 2 Chaumerlayn umquhyle to..king Charles of Fraunce.c1470Henry Wallace ii. 207 O der Wallace, wmquhill was stark and stur, Thow most o neide in presoune till endur.1508Dunbar Poems vii. heading, Lord Barnard Stewart,..Conquereur of Naplis and vmquhile constable general of the same.c1550Lyndesay Tragedy Prol. 40 I am Dauid, that cairfull Cardinall,..That vmquhyle had so gret preeminens.1567Satir. Poems Reform. iv. 1 I, Henrie Stewart, vmquhile of Scotland King.1832F. Trollope Dom. Manners Amer. I. vii. 93 A drawing..representing Hebe and the bird, umquhile sacred to Jupiter. [1890Service Notandums 88 Her white cheek, umquhile red.]
3. At some later time; by-and-by. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce iii. 256 For nane wate, in how litill space That god wmquhile will send his grace.1513Douglas æneid ii. x. 209 And I wmquhill quhilk sal be clepit thi spous, Quham to sall we be left in this waist hous?
B. adj. Former, late:
a. Of persons; esp. = now deceased.
In the first quot. perhaps still adverbial.
1431Munim. de Melros (Bann. Cl.) 521 Patrike off Dunbarr,..brothir vmquhile of a hee & mychti lorde Sir George of Dunbarr.1477Exch. Rolls Scotl. VIII. 403 note, Landis..the quhilkis umquhile Cuthbert Colvile had of ws of before.1490–1Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 197 A compositioun maid with vmquhile the Master of Craufurd.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) III. 519 James Stewart, Sone and Air..to vmquhill King Robert Stewart.1583in Montgomerie's Poems (S.T.S. 1910) 300 The testament..pertening to vmquhile ane richt honorabill Ladie Margaret Fraser.., relict of vmquhile Iohne Montgummerie.1633Sc. Acts, Chas. I (1870) V. 26/1 The fruites of benefice givin by his Majestie his said vmquhyle dearest father.a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1829) 9 Lachlan M‘Intosh,..brother to the umquhile laird of M‘Intosh, William M‘Intosh,..son to umquhile Lachlan Angus-son.1714Ramsay Elegy J. Cowper xiii, Of umquhile John to lie or bann, Shaws but ill will.1784in Nairne Peerage Evidence (1874) 72 The goods and gear which pertained and belonged to umqle miss Brabazone Nairne.1814Scott Wav. x, The estate which devolved on this unhappy woman by a settlement of her umwhile husband.1816Old Mort. iii, His uncle, as well as his umquhile father, is a roundhead, I presume.1874A. Hislop Bk. Sc. Anecdote 725/1 The ‘leader of the psalmody’, as umquhile ‘precentors’ are now termed.1886Ruskin Præterita I. 408 Her father visited his umquwhile clientage at the coal-wharves.1934J. Buchan Free Fishers ii. 40 What do you think of your umquhile pupil, Professor?1976Times Lit. Suppl. 21 May 606/3 The reference to the ci-devant Lord Stansgate is notoriously getting shorter and shorter;..with further reduction en by en the umquhile peer will disappear completely.
b. Of things. rare.
1548Compl. Scotl. i. 21 Quhat sal be said of athenes, the vmquhile fontane of sapiens.1842F. Trollope Vis. to Italy i. x. 161, I went to see Europe's umwhile wonder and delight.1854H. Miller Sch. & Schm. (1858) 356 When I last passed along the Coal-hill, I saw my umquhile house existing as a bit of dingy wall.




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