

单词 umbego
释义 umbego, v. Obs.
Also 4 vnbigo, 5 vmbego, vmbigo, vmbygo.
[f. umbe- + go v. Cf. MDu. ommebegaen, and umgo v.]
trans. To go around, to encircle; to surround with something.
c1300Havelok 1842 Þe laddes were kaske and teyte, And vn-bi-yeden him ilkon, Sum smot with tre, and sum wit ston.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 210 Her lere leke al hyr vmbe-gon.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 9468 Rofe and wal and euery a gable,..Courbel, beme, and euery a ston, With riche gold was vmbygon.1430–40in MS. Bodl. 423 fol. 186 b, A weddynge cote,..the whiche shuld be a maydens cote, vmbigoon with diuersitees of vertues.c1440Pallad. on Husb. ii. 197 In herbis letuce vmbigoon wol growe.




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