

单词 umbecast
释义 umbecast, v. Obs.
Forms: 4 vmbecast (5 pa. tense -caste), 4 (5 pa. tense) vmbekest; 4 pa. tense. vmbikest, 5 vmbycast(e.
[f. umbe- + cast v. (or um- + becast v.). Cf. umbcast s.v. umb-, and umcast s.v. um-.]
1. trans. To surround, encircle.
c1350Will. Palerne 2319 Þei herd an huge route of horse þat hel al a-boute, & herd þat quarrere vmbe-cast & al þe cuntre wide.Ibid. 4693 Whan al þe cuntre was umbe-cast with clene men of armes.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 5505 The Gregeis vmbikest his cart With many a knyȝt hardi and smart.c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xxv, Þen ought þe lymmer..vmbycaste with his lymer þe whart þat þe deere is into.
b. To make the circuit of; to go round.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 478 When ho fyndez no folde her fote on to pyche, Ho vmbe-kestez þe coste & þe kyst sechez.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 410 He vmbekest the countrie outwith the toun. He saw na thing on steir, Nouther fer nor neir.
2. To enclose, confine.
c1440York Myst. xxxiii. 467, i Mil. All in cordis his coorse vmbycast. ii Mil. Late vs bynde hym in bandis all bare.
3. To consider, meditate (that, etc.).
1375Barbour Bruce v. 552 He vmbethocht him at the last, And in his hert can vmbecast, That the king had in custum ay [etc.].c1425Wyntoun Cron. vii. viii. 2029 (Wemyss MS.), All þarby Off þat thing thocht gret ferly, And vmbekest in þare entent.
4. intr. Of a hunting dog: = cast v. 60.
1470–85Malory Arthur xviii. xxi. 764 Whan the hynde came to the welle..the dogges came after and vmbecaste aboute, for she had lost the veray parfyte feaute of the hynde.




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