

单词 umb-
释义 umb-
prefix, app. ad. ON. umb- (earlier form of um- um-), corresponding to MLG. and MHG. umb-, OE. ymb-, emb- (see umbe-). In ME. this form of the prefix is much rarer than the reduced um- or the extended umbe-, and occurs only in the following verbs:—umbcast, to surround; umbclose, to enclose; umbfold, to embrace; umblay, to wrap round; umblook, to look round; umbset, -stead, to surround; umbthink, to bethink (oneself of something).
The OE. ymb- was extensively employed in compound verbs, as ymbclippan, -lócian, -settan, -sníðan, -standan, -þencan, etc., and although not the phonetic antecedent of ME. umb- may have had some influence on its use.
c1400Destr. Troy 10420 Achilles..meuyt to his Mirmydons in maner before, Þe kyng to *vmbcast, & close hym with-in.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 4080 Lud..*vmb-closed it [sc. London] wyþ a walle.
c1400Destr. Troy 8496 Sho braid with the barne to þe bare erthe, *Vmbfoldyt his fete, felle vnto swone.
a1300Cursor M. 22069 (Edinb.), And als it in ur leuedi liȝte, Þe hali gaste þurȝ godis miȝte, Ane *umblaide hir wiþ his leme To brede þate blisful barneteme.
c1375Ibid. 26406 (Fairf), Þer-of saltow þe *vmbloke, of cases iiij, I finde in boke.
c1400Destr. Troy 10433 Þe Mirmydons to Menon myghtily þronge, *Vmbset hym on yche side, sesit hym onon.
c1450Mirk's Festial 64 Techyng his good chyldryn, forto haue yn mynde how hard he ys *vmbstad wyth deth on yche syde.
a1300Cursor M. 21667 (Edin.), Qua wil *umbþink him in his mode Mai finde fele takins of þe rode.c1375Ibid. 19891 (Fairf.), Quiles saint peter him vmbþoȝt of þis siȝt quat hit takin muȝt.




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