

单词 recommend
释义 I. recommend, n. colloq. (orig. U.S.).|rɛkəˈmɛnd|
[f. the vb.]
A recommendation.
1806L. Dow Travels I. iv. 110 This morning, I went on shore, having no proper recommends with me.1832J. J. Strang Diary 19 Feb. in M. M. Quaife Kingdom of St. James (1930) 202 There is no complaint against me and they offer me a good recommend.1892B. Potter Jrnl. (1966) 227 Miss Emmet..wedged in a recommend of farmhouse lodgings of her cousins.1894Harper's Mag. Feb. 351/1, I think he would give it an autograph recommend.1897R. Kipling Capt. Cour. 227 I'm glad to have a recommend from that quarter.1908Practitioner Nov. 731 The Committee pays for out-patient ‘recommends’ at the rate of one guinea for six.1924J. Galsworthy White Monkey i. viii. 65 They'll give you a good recommend, won't they?1967[see book-society s.v. book n. 19].1977Listener 30 June 867/4 William McIlvanney's Laidlaw comes with a recommend from Ross Macdonald.
II. recommend, v.1|rɛkəˈmɛnd|
Also 4–5 recomende.
[ad. med.L. recommendāre (1216 in Du Cange), f. re- re- + commendāre to commend. Cf. obs. F. recommender, an occasional variant of recommander to recommand v.1 (q.v.).]
1. a. To commend or commit (oneself or another, one's soul or spirit) to God, his keeping, etc. Also (rarely) without const. (Cf. commend v. 1.)
c1400Mandeville (1839) xvi. 177 Seyenge his Orysounes, recommendynge him to his God.1418in E.E. Wills (1882) 30, I recommend my saule to almyghty god.1572Huloet s.v., To recommende him selfe to God.1611Bible Acts xiv. 26 And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God.1676Ray Corr. (1848) 124, I recommend you to the Divine protection.1711Addison Spect. No. 7 ⁋6 When I lay me down to Sleep, I recommend myself to his Care.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) IV. 106, I recommended my spirit in a short ejaculation.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest ix, I silently recommended myself to God.1883Stevenson Treas. Isl. v. xxiii, I..devoutly recommended my spirit to its Maker.
absol.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon xxviii. 576 He made the signe of the crosse vpon him and recomended to our lorde.
b. (Chiefly refl.) To commit (oneself or another) to a person (or thing), or to some one's care, prayers, etc.
In some cases perh. with implication of sense 4 c.
c1386Chaucer 2nd Nun's T. 544, I axed this at hevene king, To han respyt..To recomende to yow er that I go Thise soules.c1400Mandeville (1839) vi. 63 Than wil thei take leve of the Monkes and recommenden hem to here Preyeres.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. xlvii. 91 b, My sonne I recommend to the Helia thy stepmother.a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Hist. Jas. V Wks. (1711) 92 He..recommended himself to the sea in the spring time.1713Steele Guard. No. 17 ⁋8 He led her to a relation's house, to whose care he recommended her for that night.1844Lingard Anglo-Sax. Ch. (1858) I. vii. 310 [They] recommended themselves to the prayers of those who were distinguished by the austerity and sanctity of their lives.
c. To give in charge, consign, commit, submit (a thing) to a person or thing. Obs.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxvi. viii, What I to praiers recommended, Was gratiously by him attended.1590Art. agst. Cartwright §25 in Fuller Ch. Hist. ix. vii. §27 After it was perused by others..he recommended the same to the censures, and judgements of moe brethren.1601Shakes. Twel. N. v. i. 94 [He] denide me mine owne purse, Which I had recommended to his vse, Not halfe an houre before.
d. To communicate or report (a thing) to a person. Also without const., to mention. Obs.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxxviii. ii, The thinges our fathers did to us commend, The same are they I recommend to you.1599Warn. Faire Wom. ii. 77 I'll leave you, sir, to recommend my thanks Unto your kind respective wife.1600Holland Livy xxxix. l. 1055 Some of them have recommended to posteritie..that in this one yeere there dyed three renowned captaines.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 119 Concerning him so to come, and to be incarnate, two things are recommended in this Prophecie.
e. To inform (a person). Obs. rare—1.
1604Shakes. Oth. i. iii. 41 Signior Montano..recommends you thus, And prayes you to beleeue him.
a. = recommand v.1 2. Obs.
1444Paston Lett. I. 55 Your sonys and..your brother arn heyle and mery, and recommend hem to yow.1449Ibid. 78, I recomend me hertily, thankyng yow for the tydings.1529More Dyaloge i. Wks. 107/1 As hartelye as I possible can, I recommende me to you.1572Huloet s.v., He recommendes him hartely to thee.
b. = recommand v.1 2 b. Obs.
1539Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 201 The same Bernard..desired the said Christophor to aduertise your grace thereof and have hym recommended most humbly.1773Johnson Let. to Mrs. Thrale 24 May, Recommend me to the poor dear lady.
3. To praise, commend:
a. a person. Obs.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xv. 228 Riche men he recomendeth..That with-outen wyles leden her lyues.c1400Sowdone Bab. 919 He recomendide the olde Knightes That þat daye hade the victorye.c1477Caxton Jason 6 Seeyng that Jason was somoche recommended of euery man.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. xi. 6 b/2 The fyrste..was a good knyght, & greatly recommended.a1703Burkitt On N.T., Matt. xxiii. 33 They continued in their own wickedness, and yet recommended the saints departed.
b. a thing. (Cf. 5 b.) Obs.
1705Stanhope Paraph. II. 278 This glorious Testimony when Jesus had recommended as a Truth inspired from Heaven [etc.].1738Pref. J. Keill's Anim. Oecon. 43 [They] have generally recommended and extolled those Parts which they best understood themselves.
a. To commend to favour. Obs. rare—1.
a1601North Plutarch (1610) 1177 Nonius Asprenas, one of his greatest friends, was accused by Cassius Severus... Augustus did not recommend him, but let the Senatours alone, who banished Cassius.
b. To name or speak of (one) as fit or worthy to hold some position or employment.
1641Nicholas Papers (Camden) 48 The King did many dayes since intimate who they were he would recommend, but none were declared untill this morning.1784Cowper Tiroc. 417 A king, that would, might recommend his horse.1802James Milit. Dict. s.v., It is a regulation, that none under the rank of field officer in the regulars, can recommend a person so circumstanced.
c. To present or bring forward (a person) as worthy of notice, favour, care, etc. Const. to (a person, etc.), for (the thing desired).
1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 39 They [Turks]..invocate their Saints, as being able to recommend them to God.1703Steele Tender Husb. iii. ii, Madam, may I..recommend Mr. Gubbin..to your Ladyships Notice?1734Swift Lett. (1766) II. 271 The trouble I gave in recommending a gentleman to your protection.1830D'Israeli Chas. I, III. viii. 162 [He] had been earnestly recommended by the Earl of Strafford to Charles.1850A. Jameson Leg. Monast. Ord. 65 Whom the abbess thought qualified for orders, she recommended to the bishop who ordained them.1853Dearsly Crim. Process 73 If..the offender is a fit subject to be recommended for the royal mercy.
5. a. To mention or introduce (a thing) with approbation or commendation to a person, in order to induce acceptance or trial.
1581Mulcaster Positions xxxix. (1887) 196, I must recommend vnto them exercise of the bodie.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. ii. §1 He would both recommend and enjoin the practice and use of both to that of his native kingdom.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 96 [Biscuits] which were recommended to me, as an excellent thing to drink a mornings draught with.1728Veneer Sinc. Penit. Pref. 7 Tho' I do not care to say much in order to recommend my book..to such as are in the very gall of bitterness.1781Cowper Retirem. 541 O grant a poet leave to recommend..Her slighted works to your admiring view.1826Disraeli Viv. Grey v. xv, Let me recommend you a little of this pike!1863Sat. Rev. 16 May 640 We will conclude by recommending his work to our readers.
b. Without personal const. (Cf. 3 b.)
1714Pope Epil. Jane Shore 34 He'd recommend her as a special breeder.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 355, I take the liberty to recommend that part of America as the best and most advantageous part of the globe.1781Cowper Retirem. 388 For once I can approve the patriot's voice, And make the course he recommends my choice.1820Shelley Œd. Tyr. ii. ii. 22 Allow me now to recommend this dish.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. x. 231 Christianity and worldly wisdom..both recommending the same course.
6. To make (a person or thing) acceptable. Also const. to. (Chiefly of qualities, circumstances, or things.)
1665Boyle Occas. Refl. vi. vi. (1848) 360 Roses..retain..divers useful Qualities, and Virtues, that..recommend them all the Year.1712Addison Spect. No. 418 ⁋3 There is yet another Circumstance which recommends a Description more than all the rest.1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. i. 101 It was chiefly a wish to recommend their religion to others.1832Lewis Use & Ab. Pol. Terms iii. 21 A claim recommended by the practice..of the constitution.1863Cowden Clarke Shaks. Char. x. 268 That man has little enough to recommend him whom women dislike.
refl.1605Shakes. Macb. i. vi. 2 The ayre nimbly and sweetly recommends it selfe Vnto our gentle sences.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxx. 185 To recommend themselves to his favour.1758S. Hayward Serm. xvii. 535 A person of eminent rank greatly recommends himself to the esteem of his fellow-creatures when he appears affable and friendly.1859Mill Liberty i. 12 This view of things, recommending itself equally to the intelligence of thinkers [etc.].
7. To counsel, advise.
a. Const. to a person, usually with it as obj. (cf. 5) and appositive infin.
1746Col. Rec. Pennsylv. V. 38 His Majesty has order'd me to recommend it to you..to proceed immediately [etc.].1749Fielding Tom Jones xvi. viii, He..recommended to her ladyship to do him the honour.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) VI. 203 She recommended it to him to do justice to B. and her children.
b. Without personal const. (Cf. 5 b.)
1733Pope Hor. Sat. ii. ii. 43 Let me extol a Cat, on oysters fed,..Or ev'n to crack live Crawfish recommend.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India I. iii. iv. 606 [He] recommended, what was probably wise, to gain Nizam al Mulk by resigning to him Deccan.1829W. Irving Granada I. x. 85 He recommended, that the whole disposition of the camp should be changed.
c. With personal obj., and infin.
1813Jane Austen Pride & Prej. I. xviii. 217 Let me recommend you, however, as a friend, not to give implicit confidence to all his assertions.1856W. Collins After Dark, Yellow Mask II. 247, I recommend you to control your temper, and to treat me with common courtesy.1877Froude Short Stud. (1883) IV. i. ix. 103 He recommended the guardians to consult the king.
III. recommend, v.2 rare—1.
[re- 5 a.]
trans. To commend again.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 140, I am constrained of courtesie, to commend, and recommend the same L. Oppius..to your patronage and defence.




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