

单词 turkey-hen
释义 turkey-hen
[Cf. turkey-cock.]
1. The guinea-hen. Obs.
1552Elyot, Meleagrides, byrdes, whiche we doo call hennes of Genny, or Turkie hennes.1578Lyte Dodoens ii. lii. 214 Called..Flos Meleagris..from a kinde of birde..whose feathers be speckled..not with Violet speckes, but with white and blacke spots, lyke to the feathers of the Turkie or Ginny hen, which is called Meleagris auis: some do also cal this flower Fritillaria.1601Holland Pliny I. 296 The Ginnie or Turkey hens in a part of Africke called Numidia, be in great request.
2. The female of the turkey.
1555Eden Decades 158 They [of Yucatan] brought..eyght of their hennes beynge as bygge as peacockes, of brownyshe coloure, and not inferiour to peacockes in pleasaunte tast. [margin] Turky hens.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Poule d'Inde, a Turkie henne.1592Shuttleworths' Acc. (Chetham) 72 Towe turkes and onne turkie henne vijs.1760[see turkey-cock 3].1844Stephens Bk. Farm II. 710 When a turkey-hen is seen disposed to lay, a nest should be made for her in the hatching-house.




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