

单词 turkesse
释义 turkess(e, -eis(e, -is(s, v. Obs.
Forms: 6 torcasse, torkes, -esse, turkiss, -ise, 6–7 turkess(e, 7 turkeise, turquese, turkis(s, turkize, turcase, turches.
[Derivation uncertain: evidently related to turken, and, like that verb, referred by some to F. torquer, ad. L. torquēre to twist; but there are difficulties both of form and sense, and possibly both turken and turkesse were Eng. formations from Turk and Turkeys, Turkish; at least, they were often associated with these words, this verb being actually in 17th c. spelt turkize; cf. also turkish v. in same sense. (There is no trace of any OF. verb torquir, torquiss-ant.)]
1. trans. To transform or alter for the worse; to wrest, twist, distort, pervert.
1521Fisher Serm. agst. Luther Wks. (E.E.T.S.) i. 341 Many of [these heretics]..had the propre fayth [ed. 1556 feate] to wrye and to torcasse the scryptures.a1603T. Cartwright Confut. Rhem. N.T. (1618) 245 The body of Christ is a more pretious thing then hee will suffer to be turkessed and transformed after that sort.1612Sir R. Naunton in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 118 My mediation..was, I know not how, turquesed into a reprobate sense with Sir H. Nevill.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 1. 159 (1619) 336 Some sentence of Scripture..must be turkist, and mishapen out of his natiue simplicitie.1648Petit. Eastern Assoc. 5 Those..which are so audacious as to turcase the revealed, and sealed Standard of our salvation..to the mishapen models of their intoxicated phansies.
2. To alter the form or appearance of; to change, modify, refashion (not necessarily for the worse).
1530Palsgr. 759/1, I torkes, I alter the shappe of a thyng, je contourne, and je transmue. He hath torkessed his house quyte a newe.c1577G. Harvey Marginalia (1913) 141 Erasmus three cheefist Paper bookes..His Similes..Apothegges..Prouerbs, newly turkissed by diuers.1593R. Bancroft Surv. Discipl. i. 6 He taketh the said sentence out of Esay (somewhat turkised) for his poesie as⁓well as the rest.a1610Healey Theophrastus (1636) 21 Hee trimmeth himselfe often: he..changeth and Turkizeth his cloathes.1613Purchas Pilgrimage i. iii. (1614) 298 The Turkes, when they turkeised it [St. Sophia], threw downe the Altars, turned the Bells into great Ordinance [etc.].1639Horn & Rob. Gate Lang. Unl. xlvii. §505 He that makes cast-cloathes new of old (trimmeth up, new turkizeth), and exposeth them to sale, is a broker.a1650P. Fletcher Father's Test. (1670) 108 So curiously painted..and turchest in new fashions.
Hence turkessing, -ising, vbl. n. Obs.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 5 (1619) 84 Adding, detracting, or depraving his institutions by a restless turkising of them.1673Jackson's Wks. III. Creed x. xxxi. Notes 133 An Alteration, Change, or Turning. Or if these be thought Terms too good, Let it be called a Turkizing of Sensitives.




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