

单词 tulie
释义 I. tuilyie, tulyie, tulie, n. Sc.|ˈtøl(j)ɪ, ˈtʏlɪ|
Forms: 4–6 tulȝe, tolȝe, 5 tuyl, toilȝe, (tulyhe, tohile, tohyle), 5–6 tulye, 6 tuilȝe (-ze), tuylȝe, -ȝhe, tuill, tule, toulȝe, 6–7 tuilye; 5–6 tuilyie, 6–9 tulyie, -ȝie (-zie), 8 tuilie, toolie, 7–9 tuilȝie (-zie), 8–9 tooly, 9 tully.
[ad. OF. tooil, touil, tueil, contention, f. OF. toillier: see next and toil v.1 For the forms cf. brulyie, fulȝie, spulȝe, ulye. The forms in -ie, -ye are app. taken from the vb.]
A quarrel, brawl, fight; a noisy contest, dispute: = toil n.1 1.
(In quot. c 1425 vaguely used. In Hawick it was formerly usual in time of frost to have a slide of a quarter of a mile long down the centre of the steep street called the Loan, on which long files of sliders came down at a thundering pace: this was famous as the ‘Yokit tuilie’ or ‘Yoke o' tuilie’.)
c1425Wyntoun Cron. v. xii. 3943 (Wemyss MS.) It may be callit vnhonest tulȝe [v. rr. tuyl, tohyle, tolȝe, tule, tuylȝe, tuylȝhe] To se þe quyk þe dede dispulȝe Quhen he is woundit in his schete.a1500Peebles to Play xix, Sevin-sum, that the tulye maid, Lay gruffling in the stokks.1557Peebles Burgh Rec. (1872) 242 Gif ony suddand tulye happyng within the tovne.1609Skene Reg. Maj. i. 142 Na man quha is given to tuilzies or strife, sall presume to beare ane knife with ane poynt, within the Portes..of our Gild.1728Ramsay Advice to Mr. ― 38 And, smiling, ca' her little foolie, Syne with a kiss evite a toolie.1814Scott Wav. lxiii, Killed that same night in the tuilzie.1886Masson Edinb. Sk. 25 Edinburgh was famous for its tulzies or causeway fights between noblemen and lairds.
b. without article: Quarrelling, contention, strife; trouble, turmoil.
1550Records of Elgin (New Spald. Cl. 1903) I. 106 Burges that beis convict for tuilze sall pay for the first tuilze viii s.1572Satir. Poems Reform. xxxiv. 59 In Scotland had not bene sic tuill, Gif this had bene þe common reull.1785Burns To W. Simpson xxxi, But tho' dull-prose folk Latin splatter In logic tulzie, I hope we Bardies ken some better Than mind sic brulzie.
c. Also tulyie-mulyie.
1819W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 4 In mony a fecht and tulzie-mulzie.Ibid. 196 In hideous tulyie-mulyie.
II. ˈtuilyie, ˈtulyie, ˈtulie, v. Sc.
Forms: see prec. n.; also 6 teulie.
[a. OF. tooillier, toillier, touillier: see prec. and toil v.1]
1. trans. To harass; to quarrel with, assail contentiously, assault. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce (Camb. MS., 1487) iv. 152 Þai on twa halfis war assalit; Within with fyre, þat þame sa brulȝeit, Without with folk þat þaim sa tulȝeit [Edinb. MS. (1489) broilȝit, toilȝit].c1425Wyntoun Cron. vi. xv. 1477 (Wemyss MS.) Fell tyrandis, þat had delite Possessionis and pilgrymage to tulȝe.1595in Maitl. Cl. Misc. I. 70 To have followit Thomas McNair, and to have teuliit him in the porche of Govane kirk.
2. intr. To quarrel, fight, contend. Hence ˈtuilyieing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1444Aberdeen Regr. (1844) I. 12 Conuicte thrise for barganyng and tulyheing.1565Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 333 Ony Scottismen that fechtis, tulyeis, or drawis bluid.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. i. ii, Sic wee tots toolying at your knee;..to be made o', and obtain a kiss.1818Scott Rob Roy xxvi, That they suld let folk tuilzie in their yards.1862A. Hislop Prov. Scot. 27 A toolying tike comes limping hame.1895Crockett Men of Moss-Hags 55 Let there be no more tullying and brawling.




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