

单词 ago
释义 I. aˈgo, v. Obs.
Forms as in go.
[f. a- prefix 1 forth, away, out + go. Cogn. w. OS. âgangan, OHG. irgangan, irgân (mod.G. ergehen), Goth. us-gaggan. Only the pa. pple. agan, agon, agone, ago is common after 1300, and of this the verbal use ceased before 1700, leaving it only as adj. of time: see next.]
1. To go forth, go on, proceed.
a1000Ags. Ps. lxviii. 32 Cealf..þeah þe him úpp-agá horn on heafde.1297R. Glouc. 561 Ich mai honge vp min ax, febliche ic abbe agonne.
2. Of time: To depart, pass away, pass.
c1000O.E. Gosp. Mark xvi. 1 Ða sæternes dæᵹ wæs agán.1205Layam. 24196 Þa æstre wes aȝonge.Ibid. 31889 Þa elleue ȝer weoren onfast aȝeongen.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2305 Þe day hym was ful neȝ agan.c1435Torr. Portugal 65 Ore vij. yere be ago, More schalle we here.c1550Every man in Hazl. Dodsley I. 107 The day passeth, and is almost ago.
3. To go away, depart (from a place).
c1175Lamb. Hom. 33 Nis nawiht þeos weorld, al heo aȝeð.c1230Ancren Riwle 288 Hit kumeð lihtliche, ageð awei lihtliche.c1260E.E.P. (1862) 14 Al hir ioi was ago.c1384Chaucer H. Fame 365 He Was forthe vnto his shippes agoon.c1420Pallad. on Husb. ii. 379 And when thaire huske agooth hem thai beth ripe.1482Monk of Evesham (1869) 112 The wownde so clene agonne, that no tokyn of hyt..remaynyd.1586J. Ferne Blazon of Gentrie 21 Our sheepe shearing feastes..been all agone.1674Marvell Rehears. Transp. ii. 76 The Author therefore..took a great fright lest all were ago.
II. ago, agone, ppl. a. and adv.|əˈgəʊ, əˈgɒn|
Forms: 4–5 agoon, 5–6 agon, 6– agone; also 4–6 agoo, 6–7 agoe, 4– ago.
[pa. pple. of the preceding vb., used as adj. qualifying some noun of time, expressed or understood; in the latter case always preceded by long = long time. The full form agone had been contracted to ago in some dialects long before this usage began, in end of 14th c.; ago became the ordinary prose form from Caxton, but agone has remained dialectally, and as an archaic and poetic variant to the present day.]
A. ppl. adj. Gone by; by-gone; past. (Now always follows its noun.)
c1314Guy Warw. 58 For it was ago fif yer That he was last ther.c1386Chaucer Wife's T. 7 (Lansd.) I speke of mony a hundred ȝere a-go.1388Wyclif Gen. xxi. 2 As ȝistirdai, and the thridde dai agoon.c1450Knt. de la Tour 158 It is not yet longe tyme agoo that suche custume was vsed.1528More Heresyes ii. Wks. 1557, 179/2 Nowe quite gone manye yeares a goo.1601Shakes. Twel. N. v. i. 204 O he's drunke, sir Toby, an houre agone.1611Bible 1 Sam. xxx. 13 Three dayes agone I fell sicke.1718Free-thinker No. 61, 42 Some Years agoe they were remarkable for the narrowest Hats in the Kingdom.a1849Hor. Smith Addr. Mummy i, In Thebes's streets three thousand years ago.1846Hawthorne Mosses i. iv. 70 And that's full fifteen minutes agone.1869‘Mark Twain’ Innoc. Abr. xxi. 212 Some two and forty years agone the good count rode hence to fight for Holy Cross.1914W. Owen Let. 19 July (1967) 267 So you are at last getting the Curtains, about which we fidaddled so long a year & more agone!1933H. Allen Anthony Adverse I. ii. xiii. 170 It's over ten years agone, you know, since...1980Amer. Speech 1976 LI. 245 Among recent coinages I miss admanity, a worthy successor to Thomas Carlyle's gigmanity a century agone.
B. adv. in Long ago: a long while ago, in time long gone, long since. Chaucer has also yore ago.
c1366Chaucer Compl. Pite 1 Pite that I haue sought so yore agoo.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 271, I þis lord knowe, it is longe ago I knewe him.1417Clifford in Ellis Orig. Lett. ii. 29 I. 90 It liked to youre seyd Hyghnesse not longe agon to wryte to me.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Paraphr. Matt. xvi. 2 Ye would haue beleued me long agon.1633Ford Broken Heart iii. v. (1839) 63 'Tis long agone since first I lost my heart.1833H. Martineau Loom & Lug. i. v. 89 Dead and gone long ago.
Corrupt form. See a prep.2
c1538Starkey England 88 Not many yerys of-goo.




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