

单词 tribune
释义 I. tribune, n.1|ˈtrɪbjuːn, ˈtraɪ-|
Also 4 Sc. tribone, -owne, trybone, 5 -bun(e, 7–8 tribun.
[ad. L. tribūnus, lit. ‘head of a tribe’, f. tribu-s tribe; cf. F. tribun (13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. A title designating one of several officers in the Roman administration; spec.
a. tribune of the people (L. tribūnus plebis), one of two (later five, then ten) officers appointed to protect the interests and rights of the plebeians from the patricians.
b. military tribune (L. tribūnus mīlitāris), one of six officers of a legion, each being in command for two months of the year.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxii. (Laurentius) 171 Þane was þare a mychtty tribowne.Ibid. xxxiii. (George) 22 Quhare he wes mad..a trybone. & þu sal wit, a tribone is he þat [of] þe thred-part of a cyte or of a cunctre kepare is; & a tribone is als I-wise þat trybut gadris to þe king..& he his tribune als, þu kene, to quham ansueris a thousand men.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 273 After consuls, tribunes plebis and dictatores rulede the comounte anon to Iulius Cesar his tyme.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 45 Ane othir maner of officiaris..callit trybunys.1533Bellenden Livy iv. iii. (S.T.S.) II. 61 The ȝere iijcx. fra þe first fundatioun of rome was þe first tyme þan ony tribunis militare war create with power consulare.1678R. L'Estrange Seneca's Mor. i. xv. (1696) 77 He that is a Tribune, would be a Prætor.1741Middleton Cicero I. Pref. 36 A new order of Magistrates, of their own body, called Tribuns.1838–42Arnold Hist. Rome I. viii. 139 The tribune's power of protection enabled him to interpose in defence of the unfortunate.1879Froude Cæsar iv. 37 He forced his way steadily upwards..to the rank of military tribune.
2. transf. and fig.
a. An officer holding some position analogous to that of a Roman tribune; a judge; a protector of the rights of the people; a popular leader, a demagogue.
1587Harrison England ii. v. (1877) i. 109 The cheefe or high tribune of the excheker is of custome called lord cheefe baron.a1660Contemp. Hist. Irel. (Ir. Archæol. Soc.) II. 147 Himself alone with his fewe Conatian tribunes..will disannull all this.1756Nugent Gr. Tour, Italy III. 78 Venice was originally a democratical state, under consuls and tribunes... The Tribunes were succeeded by the Doges.1853Macaulay Biogr., Atterbury (1860) 13 By the body of the clergy he was regarded as the ablest and most intrepid Tribune that had ever defended their rights.1882W. Cory Mod. Eng. Hist. II. 283 Mr. Cobbett..took his seat on the Treasury Bench. To have a tribune of the people sitting between Ministers..would be a hindrance to business.
b. (With capital initial.) The title of a British weekly journal, founded in 1937, advocating radical left-wing policies: used attrib. with reference to this type of socialism, esp. as Tribune group, a group of Labour MPs sharing these views.
1952Ann. Reg. 1951 i. ii. 33 One Way Only, a Tribune pamphlet published on 9 July.1968Times 9 July 9/6 The trade unionists who are moving against the Government are not, as the Tribune group supposes, moving to the left.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1975) I. 562 They were really completely answered by Raymond Fletcher, a left-winger from the Tribune group.1975Times 16 July 14/7 Those who regarded themselves as the keepers of the socialist conscience—the Tribune group.1976A. Price War Game i. viii. 165 Not even the Tribune Group will be able to complain about the high cost of security.1976[see Tribunism].1977Times Lit. Suppl. 3 June 685/1 Orwell..was a Tribune-style socialist (egalitarian, libertarian).
Hence triˈbunian a. Obs. rare, of or pertaining to a tribune. Also ˈTribunism, socialist policies of the type advocated by the Tribune; ˈTribunite, a member of the Tribune group (freq. attrib.).
a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xxxix. 328, I give out Sentence in his favour, unto whom hath befallen the best Chance by Dice; Judiciary, Tribunian, Pretorial, what comes first.1970Times 18 Nov. 12 Frank Allaun, the Tribunite M.P.Ibid. 7 Dec. 2 The second day took in a debate led by..Mr. Stan Orme, the redoubtable Tribunite, and Mr. Neil McBride.1976Times 15 Mar. 13/2 The influx of new MPs..has probably weakened Tribunism rather than reinforced it. But a new generation of Tribune men is beginning to assert its influence.1977Listener 28 July 125/2, I do not believe that the Tribunite view..goes by default.1981Times 22 June 2/7 Neither have Tribunites north of the border made any open moves to become involved.
II. tribune, n.2|ˈtrɪbjuːn, ˈtraɪ-|
Also 7 tribun.
[a. F. tribune (1409 in Godef. Compl.), ad. It. and med.L. tribūna (914 in Du Cange), taking the place of L. tribūnāle tribunal.]
1. (Usu. with capital initial.) = Tribuna.
1645Evelyn Diary 27 Feb., The edifice without is Gotiq, but very glorious within, especialy the roofe, and one tribune well painted.a1668R. Lassels Voy. Italy (1670) II. 103 There are divers other pictures in that vaulted Tribun in Mosaick worke.1843Penny Cycl. XXVI. 249/2 The apartment of the Imperial Gallery at Florence, which is called the Tribune (Tribuna).
2. The semicircular or polygonal apse of a basilica or basilican church, usually domed or vaulted.
a1771Gray Archit. Gothica Wks. 1843 V. 332 The difference between the body and ailes of the choir at Peterborough, with the east side of the transept, and the semicircular tribune which finishes the same choir.1794W. Hutchinson Hist. Cumberld. I. 155 note, Warwick church, remarkable for its tribune or rounded east end.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. III. 157 The length of the church, from the principal entrance to the end of the tribune, is 601 feet.1874Parker Goth. Archit. Gloss. 329 Tribune, the semicircular space at one end of the Basilica, for the judges. In Churches copied from the Basilicas it was retained as the apse.
3. A raised platform or dais; a rostrum; a pulpit; the throne or stall of a bishop.
1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) III. 61 A large inscription over the tribune at the end of the hall.1790Burke Fr. Rev. 46 Any of the discoursers in our pulpits, or on your tribune;..Dr. Price, or..the Abbé S[i]eyes.1842–76Gwilt Archit. Gloss. s.v. Apsis, The bishop's throne being raised by steps above the ordinary stalls..was sometimes called exhedra, and in later times tribune.1850W. Irving Mahomet xiv. (1853) 87 A pulpit or tribune..to which he ascended by three steps.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt xxiv, Mr. Lyon was seated on the school tribune or dais at his particular round table.1885Woodrow Wilson Congress. Govt. ii. 127 Members [of the French Chamber of Deputies] do not speak from their seats..but from the ‘tribune’..a box-like stand,..resembling those narrow, quaintly-fashioned pulpits..still to be seen in some of the oldest of our American churches.
4. A raised and seated area or gallery, esp. in a church; also applied to stands at continental race meetings (F. tribune).
1865Pall Mall G. 13 June 5 Last year..it was easy to move about from the saddling-ring to the tribunes, to get places in the latter to sit down, and to promenade in front of the tribunes, with plenty of elbow-room.1865Times 1 Aug. 7/4 There were not more than 45 or 50 ladies in the ‘tribunes’—the low galleries on the side of the hall are so called.1870Disraeli Lothair lxvi, The church was crowded; not a chair or tribune vacant.1883Mag. Art June 338/2 The unfamiliar storey is known as a tribune, and runs immediately above the nave at the point usually occupied by the triforium. It is a lofty gallery.1891Winchester Word-Bk., Tribunes, large pews in ante-chapel reserved for ladies. (Obs.)1904Princess Radziwill Recoll. ix. 160, I never left the tribune from which ladies were allowed to hear the debates.
III. ˈtribune, v.
[f. tribune n.1]
a. trans. To regulate or control by tribunal authority. Obs. rare—1.
b. intr. To play the tribune (Funk's Standard Dict. 1895).
1647Ward Simp. Cobler (1843) 52 These Essentialls, must not be Ephorized or Tribuned by..a few mens discretion.




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