

单词 frigerate
释义 ˈfrigerate, v. Obs.—0
[f. L. frīgerāt- ppl. stem of frīgerāre to cool, f. frīgus: see frigid and -ate.]
trans. To make frigid; to cool. So frigeˈration Obs.—1 [see -ation], the action or process of cooling; ˈfrigeratory Obs.—0 [see -ory], see quot.
1656–81Blount Glossogr., Frigerate, to cool. Frigeratory, a Cooling-house, or place.a1691Boyle Hist. Air xl. (1692) 248 Which wonderful Change I should not so much ascribe to a Frigeration of the Air..as to some nitrous..Exhalations.




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