

单词 transitory
释义 transitory, a. (n.)|ˈtrɑːnsɪtərɪ, ˈtræns-, -nz-|
Also 4–5 transitore, 4–7 -itorie, 5 -etorie, -itoire, (trancitorie), 5–6 transetory, -ytory(e, -itorye, 6 Sc. -itoir.
[ad. F. transitoire (12th c. in Godef. Compl.), ad. post-Aug.L. transitōrius having or allowing a passage through, in Chr.L. transient, passing, f. transit-: see transit v. and -ory2.]
1. Having the quality of passing away; not lasting; fleeting, momentary, brief; transient.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 778 (827) Now yf he wot þat Ioye is transitorie [v.r. trancitorie].c1375Sc. Leg. Saints ii. (Paulus) 219 Þat eftire þis lyfe transitore Euire-lestand lyfe is me before.1481Caxton Myrr. i. iv. 13 This world is not but a vayn thinge and transitoire.1543–4Act 35 Hen. VIII, c. 1 §6 This Realme, after the Kinges transitorie lief,..shoulde be destitute of a laufull governour.a1633Austin Medit. (1635) 279 So they are as transitorie as a Shepheards Tent.Ibid. 280 Like Things of that transitory nature, they begin to weare away.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 3 That adventure..gave him also a transitory view of that excellent Lady.1712Swift Wonderful Prophecy (heading), This vain and transitory world will shortly be brought to its final dissolution.1859Kingsley Misc. (1860) II. 75 All the Continental Nations look upon our present peace as but transitory, momentary.
2. Having a passage-way, allowing passage through. Obs. rare.
1613Godwin Rom. Antiq. (1625) 9 It had the name of Forum Transitorium, the transitorie Forum, because there was Transitus, id est, a way or passage through it into three seuerall market places.
b. Of the nature of a passage or transition; transitional. rare.
1592tr. Junius on Rev. xix. 1 This chapter hath..two parts, one transitory or of passage unto the things that follow.1906Rep. Vice-reg. Comm. Poor Law Ref. Ireland I. 31 The transitory period between the old and new systems.
3. Law. transitory action, an action in which the venue might be laid in any county.
1665Ever Tryals per Pais x. 133 The Jurors of one County may finde any transitory thing done in another County.1708Termes de la Ley 419 An Action of Trespass for Battery, is transitory and not local.1768Blackstone Comm. III. xxiii. 384 Actions transitory follow the person of the defendant, territorial suits must be discussed in the territorial tribunal.1848Wharton Law Lex. 390/1 Personal actions are for the most part transitory, i.e., their cause of action may be supposed to take place anywhere.
4. (app.) Trifling, of little moment. Obs.
1672Dryden Assignation ii. ii, You may scape with the loss of a Leg, or an Arm, or some such transitory Limb.1673Amboyna ii. i, Remember, no transitory sum, three hundred quadruples in your own country gold.
B. n.
1. A transitory or fleeting thing. (Chiefly in pl.) Obs.
1649Roberts Clavis Bibl. 367 A comfortable transitory enjoyment of transitories.1654Whitlock Zootomia 15 He that too closely imbraceth Transitories, is much the worse for them.1665Glanvill Scepsis Sci. 50 This fleeting Transitory our Life.
a. The transverse limb of the cross-staff (cross-staff 2).
b. A transit-instrument. Obs.
(In sense a, Bourne has also transvastory and transversary.)
1574Bourne Regiment for Sea vi. (1577) 26 To take the heigth of the Sunne, to knowe the Altitude of the Pole aboue the Horizon, doo this... Put the Transitorie [ed. 1580, lf. 29 Transuastorie; ed. 1631, lf. 29 Transuersary] vpon the long staffe, then sette the end of the long staffe close at the corner of your eye [etc.]. [1578Treas. Trav. i. ix. 17 Concernyng the making of a Crosse staffe..you shal make an other short staff, called a Transuastorie, of two foote long, and in the very myddle of it you shall make a square hole.] Ibid. x. 18 b, If that the distaunce be further then the Transitorie wyl take, and the wal too shorte: then remoue the Plattes or wynges of the Transitorie to the markes, sixe ynches from both the endes of the Transitorie.1751Phil. Trans. XLVII. xxii. 159, I had several times seen Venus on the meridian with a three-foot transitory.




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