

单词 fluor
释义 fluor, n.|ˈfluːɔː(r)|
Also 7 -our.
[a. L. fluor flowing, f. fluĕre to flow. Cf. OF. flueur.]
1. A flow or flowing; a flux, stream. Also = effluvium 2 b. Obs.
1644Digby Nat. Bodies i. xxi. 189 These fluours do proceed out of the very substance and nature of the loadestone.1664Power Exp. Philos. iii. 156 Electrical fluors do presently recoil by short streight lines to their Bodies again.1671R. Bohun Wind 54 They blow not in one constant fluor, or streame, but in gusts.
2. spec. in Pathology.
a. pl. = flowers (obs.).
b. fluor albus = leucorrhœa.
1621Ainsworth Annot. Pentat. Gen. xviii. 11 The custome (or manner) of women, for the ordinary and naturall course of the body, or fluors.1662Trapp Comm. 2 Sam. xi. 4 Her monethly fluors.1754–64Smellie Midwif. I. 110 The Fluor albus is no other than this Mucus discharged in too great quantity.
3. A fluid state, fluidity, esp. with regard to substances ordinarily solid; concr. something that is fluid, a fluid mass; in pl. the humours (of the body). Obs.
1665G. Harvey Advice agst. Plague 2 Pestilential Miasms, insinuating into the humoral..parts of the Body..then corrupting the fluors.1684T. Burnet Th. Earth i. 210 A peculiar ferment that..dissolves the parts of the meat, and melts them into a fluor or pulp.1686Goad Celest. Bodies i. ix. 31 Rarity is nothing but a Privation of Density..Fluor of Solidity.1704–21Newton Optics iii. (ed. 3) 371 Those agitations which keep Liquors in a Fluor.
4. Min.
a. The generic name for a class of minerals first defined by G. Agricola, and by him described (Bermannus sive de Re Metallica 1546) as resembling gems, but of less hardness, readily fusible, and useful as fluxes in smelting (obs.).
b. After Scheele's discovery of hydrofluoric acid or ‘Swedish air’ in 1771 the name was applied spec. to such of these minerals as contain fluorine, chiefly (now exclusively) to calcium fluoride or fluor-spar.
Agricola's term fluores was a translation of the Ger. miners' name flusse—an apt designation, he remarks, for minerals formed ‘εκ συρροης, i.e. confluxu in terra’.
1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. Introd. E viij, Some [may be liquefied] by fire, as metallick fluores.1676J. Beaumont in Phil. Trans. XI. 728 This Stone is in substance a whitish opaque fluor.1692Ray Dissol. World 114 They..do shoot into that form, after the manner of Salts and Fluors.1776Priestley Air II. 187 A substance which the chymists distinguish by the name of fluor..which with us is called Derbyshire Spar.1802Playfair Illustr. Hutton. Th. 17 The strata are consolidated..by quartz, by fluor, by feltspar.1823H. J. Brooke Introd. Crystallogr. 41 The octahedron of fluor, which we have just obtained.1866Ruskin Eth. Dust 159 The fluor of Chamouni is rose-coloured..while the fluor of Weardale is green.
5. attrib. fluor acid, hydrofluoric acid.
1791Tennant in Phil. Trans. LXXXI 184 A compound..of fluor acid and calcareous earth.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 230 Fluor acid air, or sparry air.1828Webster, Fluor-acid, the acid of fluor.




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