

单词 tourneyer
释义 ˈtourneyer
Also 4 tourn(e)our, 8 turnier.
[ME. a. OF. tornoieor, tournoieur, -ieur, f. torneier: see prec.]
One who engages in a tourney.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 4615 For wymmen sake knyghteys tournaments make..loke now whedyr swyche tournours [v.r. tourneours] Mow be kalled turmentours?1738[G. Smith] Curious Relations II. 358 Forty-eight Turniers, dress'd after the ancient German manner, in yellow Liveries, trim'd with black Velvet, and small Gold Lace.Ibid. 359 Twenty-eight Turniers on Horse-back, after the ancient Manner.1846H. W. Torrens Rem. Milit. Hist. 191 Mere fantastic tourneyers breaking a lance for the bright eyes of their lady.




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